because katie had one. It is red, white and blue as are all beta fish
sold around the fourth of july it seems.
I tagged along as part of longterm thesis denial program tha I am
participating in.
For some reason Markheims has all these signs about avoiding animal
cruelty by not playing games at carnivals where you can win animals. It
seems ironic in a place where they have grey parrots in tiny wire
I really don't know how I feel about betas. They seem so sad in those
little bowls but when (e:matthew) bought a 20 gallon tank for the other
one it died. And it had been doing great in the smaller container.
Hope the new freedom fish will be happier in a crystal bowl with peace

Like you, Paul, i used to think that betas didn't like those wee little bowls, either. until i met a beta that jumped. an ex roomate of mine used to have a long narrow beta tank. it had 4 dividers so she could have 4 fish in the same tank, but with lots of plants by the glass dividers 'cause betas aren't known for being social. lol. sadly, one died, so their human decided to be nice. she cleaned their tank out and gave the bigger one 2 sections. he didn't like that, and he kept jumping out of the tank. she tried to put more plants in there, and it worked for a short while. he started jumping out of the tank again. so, she had to put mesh on the top to keep him in. but he died. i guess the idea of open space wasn't appealing to him. she had him for over a year before he became the jumping beta. since then, i am convinced these fish link the wee little bowls. i guess they like the security?