Can anyone else work when it is 92 degrees out and you thought it was bad in DC (e:southernyankee)
I am supposed to be writing my thesis today but all I can think about is developing new web applications and moving the server. Unfortunately, moving the server is far more complicated than I thought and I am not so sure if I want to do it anymore. It means I would have to get rid of vonage, cancel adelphia, and order a verizon phone line. Then I could apply for DSL but they can't promise any speed until after I have a phone line, but I don't really want the phone line if the DSL isn't going to be fast enough. I really need a solution now I am tired of uploading.
I guess when I look back on this time period I am either going to be really happy about what I accomplished or really hate myself for letting it control my life. (e:shawnr) got me to look around the web some more at what is going on and I still feel like a country mouse developer in the land of the city mice with my stupid VPS.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/12/2005 16:59 #32089
Heat WaveCategory: thesis
07/11/2005 21:58 #32088
Josephine has a babyCategory: friends
I am so jealous of Josephine. Looking at the baby made me want a baby. Maybe ten years from now though. They look so happy.

I also started writing my thesis finally. I have made it about 10 pages long today only 50 more to go. Tomorrow I am taking the plunge and buying Verizon Business DSL service to host the site at home. If it doesn't work I am going to cry. If anyone feels like donating to help defray the cost you can click ont he donate button at the top of the page. Or maybe someone knows of somewhere with some dark fibre I can use for free. That would be even better.
It is about $99/month but having it at home might mean that I have more free time n my life and can also offer better services. The only thing is that I hope 768k up is going to be enough.

I also started writing my thesis finally. I have made it about 10 pages long today only 50 more to go. Tomorrow I am taking the plunge and buying Verizon Business DSL service to host the site at home. If it doesn't work I am going to cry. If anyone feels like donating to help defray the cost you can click ont he donate button at the top of the page. Or maybe someone knows of somewhere with some dark fibre I can use for free. That would be even better.
It is about $99/month but having it at home might mean that I have more free time n my life and can also offer better services. The only thing is that I hope 768k up is going to be enough.
07/12/2005 08:51 #32087
Silly Thesis Paul is for ProgrammingCategory: thesis
If programming and designing the site and developing the community was like eating a large delicious meal, then writing the thesis feels like the disgusting burp that leads to a little vomit after you eat too much. There is too much to talk about and not enough interest on my part about talking about it. I might need some of you to fill out a survey so that I have some more background information on why you use the site, etc.
I can't wait till this process is over. I have another 40 days to make it happen. I just have nothing to offer over what the sociologists have already said three million times. Maybe I will have some sort of inspiration. What really kills me is that I spent $70,000 to feel this crappy.
I can't wait till this process is over. I have another 40 days to make it happen. I just have nothing to offer over what the sociologists have already said three million times. Maybe I will have some sort of inspiration. What really kills me is that I spent $70,000 to feel this crappy.
07/11/2005 13:17 #32086
Random ChatterHaul2k5: yo
paulSideKick: hello
Haul2k5: you seen krust?
paulSideKick: who is krust?
Haul2k5: jason park
paulSideKick: I don't know him, I don't think
paulSideKick: do I
paulSideKick: ?
Haul2k5: are you korean?
paulSideKick: no I'm AMerican
Haul2k5: guess i got the wrong person then
paulSideKick: are you?
paulSideKick: weird
Haul2k5: yeah
paulSideKick: how did you get my IM
Haul2k5: i think i forgot an s
paulSideKick: crazy
paulSideKick: are you in korea
paulSideKick: ?
Haul2k5: no, new york
paulSideKick: me too
paulSideKick: in buffalo
paulSideKick: well, good luck finding your friend
Haul2k5: haha
Haul2k5: thakns
paulSideKick: hello
Haul2k5: you seen krust?
paulSideKick: who is krust?
Haul2k5: jason park
paulSideKick: I don't know him, I don't think
paulSideKick: do I
paulSideKick: ?
Haul2k5: are you korean?
paulSideKick: no I'm AMerican
Haul2k5: guess i got the wrong person then
paulSideKick: are you?
paulSideKick: weird
Haul2k5: yeah
paulSideKick: how did you get my IM
Haul2k5: i think i forgot an s
paulSideKick: crazy
paulSideKick: are you in korea
paulSideKick: ?
Haul2k5: no, new york
paulSideKick: me too
paulSideKick: in buffalo
paulSideKick: well, good luck finding your friend
Haul2k5: haha
Haul2k5: thakns
07/10/2005 22:53 #32085
Now I have 5 jobsCategory: work
So after being really angry and hating everything that is Buffalo for a little bit, I now have landed five jobs for the fall. It seems a little ridiculous to have to have five jobs but I guess it will make things interesting. I will be a multimedia specialist at Canisius (the same life sucking dead end job I had for the last four years), teaching advanced web programming at Canisius (sounds fun), teaching 3D modeling at Medaille, being a Landlord, and being the research assistant/3D modeler for Josephine Anstey's The Trial the Trail. Altogther, I will make a little bit more than $30,000 and have no health insurance.
Before all that starts I need to finish writing my thesis and build GF! for (e:shawnr) .
Really all I ever want to do is work on (e:strip) . It is the only true passion I have, but it is totally anti-reality in terms of making me have health insurance and a nice house. I wish I could have a grant. I guess that would require writing for a grant and I am not capable of getting that started at this point, argh. (e:matthew) and I also have this really amazing business plan but putting into action will require more effort than we have ever put into anything.
Before all that starts I need to finish writing my thesis and build GF! for (e:shawnr) .
Really all I ever want to do is work on (e:strip) . It is the only true passion I have, but it is totally anti-reality in terms of making me have health insurance and a nice house. I wish I could have a grant. I guess that would require writing for a grant and I am not capable of getting that started at this point, argh. (e:matthew) and I also have this really amazing business plan but putting into action will require more effort than we have ever put into anything.
leetee - 07/10/05 22:53
Congrats and good luck Paul!!!
Congrats and good luck Paul!!!
The entire thesis process blows big fat goats, but you'll pull through and laugh about it later. We all do. Just 39 more days!