I came back a bit early from vacation but I didn't want to so I am officially on vacation till Sunday. I have a lot to post but seeing as my sidekick is unbelievable infested with disgusting tiny white bugs that want to live under my skin - I probably won't be using it. The sidekick now lives in a plastic bag away from oxygen until they all die. I am so irritated with it because I couldn't use it the whole week away and now it is infested with bugs. How is it possible? I have been totally failed by my technology. Maybe it is a message to move on to the treo. What on earth are they eating in the phone. Maybe it is the first step in the next evolution toward machine eating bugs.

Either way I shaved my head and most of body because they gross me out so much and they are so tiny.
I never has shaved much before and I have to say, it feel weird and itchy. I think in the future I will stick to shaving only my face, if that.

Told you rowing makes you more buff.

I appologize to anyone who saw the pre-censored rss feed. I didn't realize that hide mode didn't work with rss. oops!
Fucking A, Paul, you really took your hair down to the wood didn't you? You look kind of like a Marine. haha