Weird place, it was an inertesting glimpse into country gay culture and definatly wasn't for me. Half is a nudist family area on a creek with some pools and the rest seems to be a sleezy outdoor bathhouse. We should have known when we saw the porn magazines strewn through the wood.
We talked to some guys named Al and Kevin drinking beer in the creek. The only thing I liked about him was that he guessed I was the youngest out of the three. He tried to get me to leave him my sock - said he had some foot fetish. He tried with
(e:matthew) too. I told him that socks arn't free. He tried to impress us by telling us about his love for Cher. The whole thing was like a comedy skit.
Al told us that a very rich woman owned the estate the creek was on and left it to the state on condition they provided a nudist area and allowed gay people. The scary part is there is also some whacko who hunts gay people with a gun. They showed us all the bullets everywhere, some targets and two large trees he shot down. Apparently, he is some 300lb mountain man with long, greasy black hair and he hates that gay people go there. The whole thing was too much for me, it seemed not worth ever visiting again although the run in with Al and Kevin was an interesting glimpse into poor country gay culture and Cher is ironically a part of it.