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07/09/2005 01:54 #32068

Google Earth is Where It's At
Category: web
Wow, I feel like a loser now. Google earth is pretty much my dream application. As I mentioned about a year ago [inlink]paul,952[/inlink], I used to love keyhole's earth browser software that google bought. I thought, oh google is just going to buy it and re brand it, but it seems that they majorly improved upon it by adding a connection to their search engine. It makes gogole maps seems pathetic.

You will need a pretty modern computer to get it running but once you do you will need a whole day to explore the world from Buffalo to Tokyo. You can fly from everywhere to everywhere and find tons of added user data, map data, driving directions, food search, topography, satellite images and best of terrain and build structures. Even buffalo's buildings are completely 3d modeled.

Here is where the taste of Buffalo will be tomorrow. I will definately be there but someone else is going to have to send cell phone pics because mine are still in quarantine.


You can even leave way points on the map and with the google plus version you can add polygons, use your gps, and do much more. Now I want it.

Just before vacation this came out and I couldn't play with it becausee they had stopped the download for some reason. Now it is back up and free as ever.

07/01/2005 03:28 #32067

On the Way
Category: vacation
Here's the obligatory one the way post. I hope it works because I was tampering with the moblogging system before I left. I know this a real vacation because I don't have a computer but I do have a whole full pouch of rolling tobacco, a raft and a towel. Tomorrow I will be swimming around naked in the middle of nowhere. I know my phone doesn't work there. At least it didn't last year - maybe t-mobile expanded it's footprint.

(e:emilyjane) might be coming out to meet us. I told her to just yell in the forest till we hear her. I hope that works!!

It's always best not to make a milion changes just before you leave town for the middle of nowhere but I didn't follow my own advice so hopefully yhe site works while I'm away. If not I'm sorry.

Check out the site poetry link. See ya peeps.

06/30/2005 10:35 #32066

In 2010 we will have freedom
Category: opinion

NEW YORK - New York officials on Wednesday unveiled a new plan for the Freedom Tower at Ground Zero, saying the 1,776-foot-tall skyscraper had been redesigned to meet security concerns and would be even more elegant than originally envisioned.

Police had refused to sign off on the building's design two months ago, voicing concerns that its base was too close to the sidewalk and could not be adequately protected against a truck bomb attack.

Because of the changes, the 20-ton granite cornerstone that was laid with great fanfare by New York Gov. George Pataki last Fourth of July will have to be moved.

Quoted from: - Freedom Tower design tweaked for security

That thing is so gonna get blown up. I hate to sound callous but if anyone dies it in, I honestly won't even feel bad for them - unless it is (e:hodown) and even then it will only last about 5 minutes. After the original towers were bombed and then blown up, who would ever set foot in the new even more groteque "freedom tower." It's just screaming bring me down. I can almost here George Bush's texas twang when I say freedom in my head now. That word has become so perverted at this point.


jason - 06/30/05 10:35
I have the same feeling, that we're just asking for it to be blown to bits. Plus it looks like it belongs in Hong Kong, not NYC.

06/30/2005 12:10 #32065

Jabe Pond
Category: vacation
Here is Jabe Pond. i will be there if anyone needs me, haha. However, you will need hiking boots and a canoe.


I stole this pic from somehwere on the web. I wish I could give credit but I lost the link if anyone knows where it came from IM me.
twisted - 06/30/05 12:10
Don't forget to pack the mobile internet satellite system. haha!
twisted - 06/30/05 01:28
"Have fun camping."
p.s. - I'm going to miss you. dammit! :-(
leetee - 06/29/05 18:07
Have fun!!

06/29/2005 15:35 #32064

Google Ads and Camping
Category: estrip
I am getting ready for camping today. We are going to the adirondacks starting tomorrow and lasting for a week. We will be really far away from people. The campsite is on an island in the middle of a lake on state land. You have to get their by canoe. It is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It's a really bad time for me to go with the thesis and evrything but it won't be summer for long and I should take advantage of it. (e:mike) will be staying at the mansion.

(e:shawnr) tried to get me to put google ads on the site. I tried it for a bit with the ads above the banner when I was logged in. The idea would be that the ads would be there unless you were logged in. I gave it about five minutes and started to feel sick. I mean it was like this sick capitalist satanic mark across the top of my otherwise happy place.

Then I found this quote someone wrote on another blog where there were google ads

Just as disheartening as when professional hockey replaced the bare white boards with banner ads.

The "in your face" money-grab commercialization has spread far and wide. Perhaps it is the new reality, but nontheless, a sad one, faced every day by us all, everywhere. And, I think it has conditioned us to develop personal filtering systems that require "shock and awe" to penetrate. All this pushes the envelope of what is acceptable in advertising...which in many cases results in nothing more then an exercise in bad taste.
lwist : oh. well, that's a good reason

That was the end of that. I removed the google ads. I would rather work to pay for the site myself than to see it look all commercial. The ads arn't very well targeted either. Each one of mine was about magic and magic shows. I never write about magic and don't have nay magic links.