You will need a pretty modern computer to get it running but once you do you will need a whole day to explore the world from Buffalo to Tokyo. You can fly from everywhere to everywhere and find tons of added user data, map data, driving directions, food search, topography, satellite images and best of terrain and build structures. Even buffalo's buildings are completely 3d modeled.
Here is where the taste of Buffalo will be tomorrow. I will definately be there but someone else is going to have to send cell phone pics because mine are still in quarantine.

You can even leave way points on the map and with the google plus version you can add polygons, use your gps, and do much more. Now I want it.
Just before vacation this came out and I couldn't play with it becausee they had stopped the download for some reason. Now it is back up

I have the same feeling, that we're just asking for it to be blown to bits. Plus it looks like it belongs in Hong Kong, not NYC.