The other day I saw this pic for a party at a place called the Warehaus. It was back in May. Does anyone know anything about hits place, or did anyone go to this party?

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Technology for trading files on the Internet unanimously condemned by U.S. Supreme Court.
Online peer-to-peer networks can be held liable for users' illegal file trading, said the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday.
The Court ruled unanimously against Grokster, upholding a Hollywood coalition's allegation that software developers violate federal law when they provide the means to share copyrighted music and movies.
"We hold that one who distributes a device with the object of promoting its use to infringe copyright, as shown by the clear expression or other affirmative steps taken to foster infringement, is liable for the resulting acts of infringement by third parties," Justice David H. Souter wrote for the court.Quoted from: RED HERRING | Grokster Loses=Grokster Loses §or=Industries&subsector=EntertainmentAndMedia
Ten Commandments Display Allowed by U.S. High Court (Update3)
June 27 (Bloomberg) -- Governments can post the Ten Commandments on public property as part of a broader display of historical symbols, as long as officials aren't aiming to promote religion, the U.S. Supreme Court said.Quoted from: Bloomberg.com: U.S.![]()
I've been to Warehaus. It's on Franklin somewhere I think. It's okay. Next time I want to see coked up half naked chicks I'll go there. Heh heh.
I agree, Guercio's is a great store... they just expanded, too. We get a lot of produce there. :O)