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07/09/2005 13:57 #32082

Pano's Sucks
Category: food
Just when I thought that it was safe to maybe eat at scumbag Pano's this happens [inlink]metalpeter,376[/inlink]. Thanks for catching that (e:metalpeter). I can't believe the State Board is letting Pano knock the Atwater house down. I had heard through the grapevine that they were planning on incorporating it into the new restaurant and would have fully supported that. I guess I will just never eat there again. It sucks for Pano's because (e:terry), (e:matthew) and I used to spend a lot of money.

Well, (e:matthew) heard even more rumours about Elmwood that I kept waiting for him to post but he hasn't, here it is. He said he overheard that all the stores from Forest Avenue up to Pano's is owned by Hans Mobius and are planned for demolition to build a high rise condo thing. Then Forest will become a traffic circle with an underground parking area. I mean it's only a rumor, but the more Elmwood moves away from the traditional city, businesses in houses setup to a Transit Road or Niagara Falss Blvd look, the less people will shop here. I mean it will never be able to compete on equal gounds with shopping plaza's in the even expansive suburbs.

What I am waiting for is a GAP and a Ben and Jerry's. Then it will be the ideal suburban plaza expansion and the perfect time to get the hell out of here.

Here is some confirmation about the ownership of those houses by Hans Mobius on the preservation Society page, although I think the text is a little outdated.

I personally blame all this hoopla on the coop. They have now set a precident for knocking down older buildings to build new ones instead of adapting buildings. Even if the building they demolished was not as historically valuable as the one that Pano's wants to wreck, it is still the beginning.
metalpeter - 07/09/05 13:57
I saw the article in friday's papper but didn't have time to read it so I went on line to find the article. It is only fair to say that I'm using Adelphia's high speed internet at the taste of Buffalo right now. It is a lot of fun and lots of hoties. But back to my point. That rumor is insane. If I where Pano I would at least Keepn the front of the house and porch and then you could have a patio over looking Elmwood like Coffe &, I had been there when it was a resturant before it was a coffee place. I can understand that he might not want to fix the place up, but that house has a great look and looks a lot nicer then his restaurant. As long as the entrance didn't need steeps and a remp if he wanted to he could make it work, and I hope he decides to incorporate the house into his new place.

07/08/2005 21:40 #32081

The sidekick is dead
Category: hair
I can almost remember when I was having fun [inlink]paul,3512[/inlink]

I came back a bit early from vacation but I didn't want to so I am officially on vacation till Sunday. I have a lot to post but seeing as my sidekick is unbelievable infested with disgusting tiny white bugs that want to live under my skin - I probably won't be using it. The sidekick now lives in a plastic bag away from oxygen until they all die. I am so irritated with it because I couldn't use it the whole week away and now it is infested with bugs. How is it possible? I have been totally failed by my technology. Maybe it is a message to move on to the treo. What on earth are they eating in the phone. Maybe it is the first step in the next evolution toward machine eating bugs.


Either way I shaved my head and most of body because they gross me out so much and they are so tiny.

I never has shaved much before and I have to say, it feel weird and itchy. I think in the future I will stick to shaving only my face, if that.


Told you rowing makes you more buff.


paul - 07/08/05 21:40
I appologize to anyone who saw the pre-censored rss feed. I didn't realize that hide mode didn't work with rss. oops!
jason - 07/08/05 20:53
Fucking A, Paul, you really took your hair down to the wood didn't you? You look kind of like a Marine. haha

07/08/2005 20:03 #32080

If you believe then fight
Category: politics
Don't assume this is an attack against conservatives, or trying to set up a conservative vs liberal argument as there are plenty of conservative people who are against this war. This is about the ethics of mass killing in the name of some idealogy.

(e:joshua) and all the other service age war mongers. If you are "brave" enough to call for war, then why don't you make the real commitement and join the army. They would love to have you. They even have walk in registration places like the one on Sheridan dr, just before Niagara Falls, blvd.

I am willing to admit I would never join the army for the values that we are fighting for in Iraq and that includes democracy and capitalism. I think that nations will never devlop, anything like we formed, when it is imposed from the outside How would you react if our government was imposed from the outside. And this is not about Saddam Hussein being so bad, because there are hundreds of equally vicious dictators we aren't removing - many of which we installed.

But (e:joshua), you vocally stand up and support this war and these values, so why don't you p byour life on the line. It's so easy to say we need war if you aren't the one fighting.
jason - 07/08/05 20:03
That's a good point and an interesting question. However, it could also be asked that if you believe with your heart that there needs to be economic justice, then why not sell all of your belongings and dedicate your life to the service of the poor? Believing in a cause and being able to execute the cause yourself are separate issues.

07/07/2005 10:56 #32079

Category: politics
First, I am sorry for anyone that was personally affected by another act of senseless violence. However, I disagree with Joshua, we can never kill all the terrorists, it is just too ambiguous a target, it will never happen.

It is so typical for people like you [inlink]joshua,15[/inlink] , and I don't mean conservatives here, to deem others less intelligent, followed by a logic-free emotional rant involving the written equivalent of screaming. Clearly, (e:joshua) , you share the same passionate cry for death, that the terrorists themselves used to carry this out.

It is always sad when someone dies for someone else's ideology but we have to remember that Americans and Britons have killed this many Native Americans, Iraqi, Indians, Afganistani, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese civilians a hundred thousand times over in our "greater" interest of free markets and natural resources. We are just witnessing the unfortunate other side of the war on civilians.

07/06/2005 22:35 #32078

Dining at Dots in Wilmington
Category: vacation
Thankfully, it was overcast today. I managed to keep my sunburn under control. We saw some really pretty geology mixed with some ugly people, seems like a typical mix here in vermont. Once again, (e:matthew) has tons of nice pics from the scenery.

I still have no cell service. If you have t-mobile don't think about moving to vermont till your contract is up. I will be home July 9th for anyone looking to get ahold of me.

--update I finally got some service in MA.

Along the way, we found wifi in Brattleboro, VT near this mailbox. I love finding wifi networks in random places.

