Well, (e:matthew) heard even more rumours about Elmwood that I kept waiting for him to post but he hasn't, here it is. He said he overheard that all the stores from Forest Avenue up to Pano's is owned by Hans Mobius and are planned for demolition to build a high rise condo thing. Then Forest will become a traffic circle with an underground parking area. I mean it's only a rumor, but the more Elmwood moves away from the traditional city, businesses in houses setup to a Transit Road or Niagara Falss Blvd look, the less people will shop here. I mean it will never be able to compete on equal gounds with shopping plaza's in the even expansive suburbs.
What I am waiting for is a GAP and a Ben and Jerry's. Then it will be the ideal suburban plaza expansion and the perfect time to get the hell out of here.

I personally blame all this hoopla on the coop. They have now set a precident for knocking down older buildings to build new ones instead of adapting buildings. Even if the building they demolished was not as historically valuable as the one that Pano's wants to wreck, it is still the beginning.
I saw the article in friday's papper but didn't have time to read it so I went on line to find the article. It is only fair to say that I'm using Adelphia's high speed internet at the taste of Buffalo right now. It is a lot of fun and lots of hoties. But back to my point. That rumor is insane. If I where Pano I would at least Keepn the front of the house and porch and then you could have a patio over looking Elmwood like Coffe &, I had been there when it was a resturant before it was a coffee place. I can understand that he might not want to fix the place up, but that house has a great look and looks a lot nicer then his restaurant. As long as the entrance didn't need steeps and a remp if he wanted to he could make it work, and I hope he decides to incorporate the house into his new place.