I just wanted to compile my own PHP, how did it get to be that I am trying to set up a DNS :(
03/26/2005 03:58 #31778
Here comes PHP
In truth I am having a lot of fun compiling all the stuff I wanted
I didn't even end up using one rpm. Everything was configure, make, make install. It seriously took all night but worked without a hitch. MYSQL 4.1, PHP 5.0.3 , ming, Pspell, GD, Soap, XML, XMLRPC, IMA.
03/25/2005 21:32 #31777
I got a VPS account
I finally broke down and got a Virtual Private Server account that lets me configure and install whatever software I want. The problem is that I have to configure and install all the software I want. He is aspell compiling. Thankfully, (e:ajay) taught me about this last month. Soon the site will be all in my control.
03/25/2005 19:31 #31776
Tino Eats
After several vet visits and a near death scare - a bout with blindness, he woke up today, opened his eyes and started eating! I think he is gonna make it afterall.
03/25/2005 13:46 #31775
Adelphia Woes Continued
[inlink]scud,82[/inlink] (e:scud) re you sure that the problem is between adelphia and the modem or do you have a router in between. If so, it could be that the ocmputer is losing connection iwth the router instead of the modem losing connection with adelphia. In that case it would all check out find on their end but your computer would be online.
I hate dealing with them, although I do have this one really funny story. I called in the middle of our first big party on elmwood at the lafayette house. The network was down , or so I thought, and I was so angry that people couldn't post to the site from the party. Turned out that someone had accidentally kicked the ethernet cable out of the router. When the operator asked me to test and see if the computer was connected to the cable modem I realized that the router wasn't and felt like such an idiot that instead of just telling her I went through the entire 20 minute diagnostic phone call with the shut it down, wait a minutes, turn it back on , restart the ocmputer crap. I just pretended to do all that because I couldn't tell her how dumb I was that I hadn't checked the cable.