I unfortunately made the misguided move of inviting random people I don't care about into my online environment. I spent about 10,000,000 hours preparing this environment to be how I wanted it for me and my peeps and then everyone else got mixed in and now its all censored and boring. After years of being honest and being me I am now reduced to a series of update notifications and electro blurbs. I have decided that if I have to be so boring that I would rather spend my time writing a robot that will write my journal for me. So I may just do that. You probably won't even notice a difference.
I am sorry for those of you that feel the same way. I figured this would happen when Dr. Halavis said as it moves to about 200 people that it would be become less cohesive but I pushed the envelope and now everything is bad.
I have a couple options. One, finish my thesis and walk away from this project to pursue other stuff. Two, make this site a private one for member view only and have some sort of rigorous membership requirement. Three, move away. Four, move away. Five move away. Six, move away. Seven, move away. Eight, move away. Nine, move away. Ten, move away.