(e:rzoo) , Back in December I made two flash journals that use your mic like that frog [inlink]rzoo,10[/inlink]. One is called babies [inlink]paul,2483[/inlink] and the other is called Blow [inlink]paul,2482[/inlink]
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/21/2005 20:09 #31760
Rzoo's frog03/20/2005 19:20 #31759
More SeafoodNY has the best food in the world and it's not even all that expensive sometimes. Here is fresh seafood salad and grilled calamari skewers. The shewers were so good. He ate the at republic on Union Square.
(e:hodown) said they seated us in the back because I look like a mountain man and because of her plastic surgery.

(e:hodown) said they seated us in the back because I look like a mountain man and because of her plastic surgery.

03/20/2005 19:20 #31758
Black shrouded death monumentI don't know what building this is called, but if you stand in the world trade pit you can see it directly. It is wrapped in black cloth. I thought it was a cristo thing. Turns out the building is heavily contaminated with abspestos, black mold and all other things deadly.
They can't implode it or explode it because it will release it all into the air, so they have decided to take it out piece by piece. I could never live here.

They can't implode it or explode it because it will release it all into the air, so they have decided to take it out piece by piece. I could never live here.

03/20/2005 02:04 #31757
Sea Restaurant in BrooklynSea (MAP TO: 114 NORTH 6TH ST)
114 North 6th St
Brooklyn, NY
This is the most insanely good restaurant I have ever been to. I have never has squid like this or shrimp as big as lobsters. I feel like the country mouse in the city. People look at me like I'm from the mountains. I guess I kind of am.

I drank this crazy drink a pomagranite mojito. It good was really but cost $12. Lukily, (e:hodown) was buying it ;) Here is the recipe
1/4 cup pomegranate juice
fresh pomegranite seeds
2 ounces white rum
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar, or to taste, recipe follows
4 ounces club soda
Cracked ice
6 sprigs fresh mint
In a cocktail shaker, combine all ingredients except the mint and shake well. Mull the mint in the bottom of a cocktail glass. Strain the pomegranate mixture into the glass with the mulled mint, and serve.
Vanilla Sugar:
1 vanilla beans, split in 1/2 lengthwise and crosswise
4 cups granulated sugar
In a large container with an airtight closure, place 1/2 of the sugar. Add the bean quarters and cover with the remaining 2 cups of sugar. Close tightly. Place in a cool, dark place. Twice a day shake the container to distribute the vanilla essence. Continue the process for at least 1 week and up to 3 weeks. Replace the sugar as it is used.

114 North 6th St
Brooklyn, NY
This is the most insanely good restaurant I have ever been to. I have never has squid like this or shrimp as big as lobsters. I feel like the country mouse in the city. People look at me like I'm from the mountains. I guess I kind of am.

I drank this crazy drink a pomagranite mojito. It good was really but cost $12. Lukily, (e:hodown) was buying it ;) Here is the recipe
1/4 cup pomegranate juice
fresh pomegranite seeds
2 ounces white rum
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar, or to taste, recipe follows
4 ounces club soda
Cracked ice
6 sprigs fresh mint
In a cocktail shaker, combine all ingredients except the mint and shake well. Mull the mint in the bottom of a cocktail glass. Strain the pomegranate mixture into the glass with the mulled mint, and serve.
Vanilla Sugar:
1 vanilla beans, split in 1/2 lengthwise and crosswise
4 cups granulated sugar
In a large container with an airtight closure, place 1/2 of the sugar. Add the bean quarters and cover with the remaining 2 cups of sugar. Close tightly. Place in a cool, dark place. Twice a day shake the container to distribute the vanilla essence. Continue the process for at least 1 week and up to 3 weeks. Replace the sugar as it is used.