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02/21/2005 12:58 #31687

Phone Hacked
Category: mobile
Quoted from SecurityFocus

A sophisticated computer hacker had access to servers at wireless giant T-Mobile for at least a year, which he used to monitor U.S. Secret Service e-mail, obtain customers' passwords and Social Security numbers, and download candid photos taken by Sidekick users, including Hollywood celebrities

Hodown has them on her journal [inlink]hodown,123[/inlink]

Paris Hilton got her sidekick II hacked and then all her celerbrity contact numbers and photos have been spread aroudn the web. Apparently the ultra private numbers of celebrities like Eminem, Christina Aguilera, Victoria Gotii, Anna Kournikova, etc got leaked. I can only imagine the pictures were also scandalous. But I have no idea as I have not seen them.

This is quoted form slashphone

Twenty-one year-old Nicolas Jacobsen was quietly charged with the intrusions last October, after a Secret Service informant helped investigators link him to sensitive agency documents that were circulating in underground IRC chat rooms. The informant also produced evidence that Jacobsen was behind an offer to provide T-Mobile customers' personal information to identity thieves through an Internet bulletin board, according to court records.

Jacobsen could access information on any of the Bellevue, Washington-based company's 16.3 million customers, including many customers' Social Security numbers and dates of birth, according to government filings in the case. He could also obtain voicemail PINs, and the passwords providing customers with Web access to their T-Mobile e-mail accounts. He did not have access to credit card numbers.

T-Mobile, which apparently knew of the intrusions by July of last year, has not issued any public warning.

This whole thing does raise an issue. Why is phone picture data stored on the telco server instead of on your phone. I also have a sidekick II and it clearly has enough memory to store the 36 pictures locally as you can still take them when you are off the network. I realize they probably think it is for safety reasons so that they can be restored if your phone dies but I personally would rather take the risk that the photos just got erased when something happend to the phone, then take the risk that someone else is accessing them. Well, at least I would if I was Paris Hilton. If anyone want my toroise pics they can have them. Maybe t-mobile should be more concerned about hackers.

(e:lilho) 's phone is even worse. It doesn't even send picture anymore. It simply uploads them to the server host and then recipients get an html link to the photos. I know it cuts down on bandwidth for the telco but it is really questionable if they are also using this for tracking, etc. That makes it pretty much useless for any application where you send photos, not that I can't write something to rip the photos off the web pages but it annoying that she can't send them to her journal.

02/21/2005 12:38 #31686

Jump Paul, jump
Category: school
Right now I really want to be working on the site and studying about social networking patterns and the development of computer mediated communication. That sounds pretty reasonable for an MFA student in Media Studies, but instead I spent the last three days trying to get my new laptop even close to the way the old one was set up. Then when that is all done, I have to fill out like 300 forms for graduation all due by feb 24th.

Seeing as their whole grading and transcript system is online, I can't believe that UB still leaves this to hand writing and paper forms. It's actually shamefull on their part considering the department is media studies. If I had known most of the stuff I would be dealing with at that school was so behind the times I would have never gone. From the technology I worked with down to these paper forms, UB just set me back 3 years for a piece of paper. I mean it will probably be worth it but school actually inhibited me from learning.

My favorite example of this is still the fact that I wanted to take the more advanced electronics class in my department, but I couldn't because I "needed" credits from an outside department so I ended up taking electronics in the art department. I probably should have just boughta degree online ;)

Maybe I am just cranky because I miss (e:twisted)

02/20/2005 18:11 #31685

So Linux . . .
Category: computers
I am sick of it already. I am writing this from back in windows, but I can't say that I didn't give it a good try. I will eventually move back to linux and am keeping it installed but in the meantime 150 fps 3d gears is not acceptable on my new fancy laptop which should be getting like 1500fps.

If I wasn't doing 3d too, then it would be eveerything I ever wanted. Wireless works, bluetooth works, 2D graphics are amazing but 3D is necessary. I am willing to give fedora a chance but I really can't dedicate that much more time to it this week.

So I am thinking of dividing it like this. I will do my programming in Linux and my artwork in windows where the programs exist and better access the graphics card for now.

02/20/2005 03:27 #31684

My first post from the new laptop
I am sitting in the den watching batman at 2:25 am. I have so much work to do now that I spent almost 2 days setting up the computer. I am so happy that it is mostly done. I still have to figure setting up maya in linux but I am going to wait till I get my new Maya 6.5 disks in the mail. I figure there is no point starting with 6.0 when I am just going to thave to upgrade in a week.

02/20/2005 00:11 #31683

Suse linux 9.2
Category: computers
So after spending three days getting windows to work properly on my new vaio s360 and countless hours searching online and waiting on hold for the windows driver, I decided it was time to brave linux. As I had previously had a great deal of drama getting linux to work on the m60, I was quite nervous.

Well, get this, it took about 20 minutes, and was totally automated, looks beuatiful, wireless works, bluetooth works, graphics card work at native 1280 x 800 resolution. It seems almost unreal. I am so excited to get started with it right after I set up my old laptop for (e:matthew) .

Thanks so much (e:ajay) for the disk. Best of all linux is free. If anyone else wants to switch I totally suggest suse 9.2, it is easy as can be.