I am so dissapointed in the Buffalo Niagara airport. I brought my new laptop here, the one that is finally working and they have a wirless connection but it is pay as you go. The thing is instead of having any sort of realistic micropayment system they require you to pay $6.95 for the entire day. Who pays fro an entire day of service at the aitport. I guess if you are in a desparate situation and really need to check your email but $6.95 is eally steep for people who are mostly only spending an hour here. It should be like $2 per hour, better yet free. I mean, don't airports make enough money charging exorbetant amounts for coffee and drinks. If you were a serious travelrer it would atcually be cheaper to buy a gprs card and connect with that, then paying the $6.95/day that the airport charges.
SPeaking of wireless internet, does anyone know what the situation is with the wireless internet on elmwood. A while back (e:ajay) mentioned it and I remmber some other people talking about it but I haven't heard any confirmatory information. WIll it be pay as you go or simply free. If it is not free, who is going to use it?
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/19/2005 02:26 #31681
Wireless InternetCategory: computers
02/10/2005 13:36 #31680
One dollar crumpledCategory: rant
I know this sounds like an (e:angryshortkid) inspired journal but does anyone else hate this situation? You have what appears to be a perfectly legimate $1 bill but the tasty machine refuses to accept. You try ironing it, rotating it, kicking the machine. Then you look in your pocket and every other bill is larger than a $1 - but your machine only takes $1 bills and the new "take 5" pretzel chocolate bar is laughing at you at this point. Argh.

02/10/2005 13:36 #31679
Main StreetCategory: work
I decided to take main street instead of the highway as there is so much new slick snow ? sleet. It is so slow as I have hit every red light on the way to teach some PHP to digital poetics students. I hope they like it.
I met with the chair of my dept today and they are still crossing their fingers on the full-time position. It really is their last year to decide. I feel bad because the department so obviously wants a new faculty member in the program but the school keeps dodging out on the money and I can't live without health insurance forever. It is kind of getting ridiculous now as there are over 150 majors and only 2 full-time faculty members.
If it doesn't work out I will just take one of the other million and a half job offers, but I have my heart set on teaching right now.

I met with the chair of my dept today and they are still crossing their fingers on the full-time position. It really is their last year to decide. I feel bad because the department so obviously wants a new faculty member in the program but the school keeps dodging out on the money and I can't live without health insurance forever. It is kind of getting ridiculous now as there are over 150 majors and only 2 full-time faculty members.
If it doesn't work out I will just take one of the other million and a half job offers, but I have my heart set on teaching right now.

02/11/2005 02:46 #31678
Bored with a ScannerCategory: art
02/10/2005 21:32 #31677
It's overCategory: computers
I refuse to do anymore work until I can get a new laptop. I am officially on strike.
I used to love it but I am at the point where I want a new one. I guess if I can hold off till next year they will be so much better but not if I have to deal with shit like this. If I have to reinstall windows this weekend I am just going to boot it in linux and never look back. To bad most of the non-coding work I do is windows and mac specific. Luckily, Maya isn't either So I guess I need to just stop doing every non-3d, non-programming computer thing I do!
Next laptop, no windows.

I used to love it but I am at the point where I want a new one. I guess if I can hold off till next year they will be so much better but not if I have to deal with shit like this. If I have to reinstall windows this weekend I am just going to boot it in linux and never look back. To bad most of the non-coding work I do is windows and mac specific. Luckily, Maya isn't either So I guess I need to just stop doing every non-3d, non-programming computer thing I do!
Next laptop, no windows.