Paul's Journal
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02/10/2005 19:36 #31676
Korean MisslesCategory: war
02/10/2005 19:27 #31675
Peter Singer Scandal On TelevisionCategory: estrip

02/10/2005 19:19 #31674
Cell Phone scavenger HuntIt could have lots of clue components but I am not that good at writing games / stories. I would think maybe this is something for someone with a mind for writing like (e:drchlorine) or if he still existed maybe even (e:stickboy)
(e:ajay) maybe we could add some GPS component to this?
02/11/2005 03:44 #31673
Keystroke recordersCategory: computers

I noticed my computer having all sorts of problems, and always thinking the cntl key was down. I tried to do a virus scan, used adaware, lost my internet connection and networking for about an hour, etc. FInally I decided to try spybot and found that somehow there was a keylogger by on my system. I feel so totally violated. If would personally like to see the developers of that stabbed to death with spoons.
As a matter of fact, I don't think there is a heinous enough death not only for them but whoever brought it to my system. The question is how did it get there. And furthermore, what information it took with it. Probably my bank passwords. What is so crazy is that my laptop never leaves my side, so we can rule out any physical entry. And i don't use explorer, so we can rule that out to. I am also always behind at least two firewalls. In this case three. The main router, the wireless router, and the windows firewall. So maybe they arn't really getting any data.
Is WinWhatWhere or TrueActive Monitor on my computer?
The chances of our software being installed on your personal system without your knowledge are very remote.
WinWhatWhere/TAM cannot simply appear on a computer without being installed. It needs to be installed by having direct access to the machine. It cannot be installed from the Internet or from an email without your active participation. It does not tag along with other downloads. TrueActive as a company has NEVER installed our software where it wasn't requested. We never will.
Many detector programs will report the presence of our software when, in fact, it is not there. They base their determination on the presence of certain files. However, the files they use to indicate the presence of our software are also used by many other applications - not just ours. Some of these programs even make the claim that they've uninstalled our software, taking credit for something that we know is not possible to do without our own administration program.
We share your concern and annoyance with the "false positive" reports from these detector programs. They are causing unnecessary worry for many computer users.
I find that hard to believe, what use would it be if people had to allow it to install!
02/11/2005 03:15 #31672
More scans of my handCategory: art