I am so dissapointed in the Buffalo Niagara airport. I brought my new laptop here, the one that is finally working and they have a wirless connection but it is pay as you go. The thing is instead of having any sort of realistic micropayment system they require you to pay $6.95 for the entire day. Who pays fro an entire day of service at the aitport. I guess if you are in a desparate situation and really need to check your email but $6.95 is eally steep for people who are mostly only spending an hour here. It should be like $2 per hour, better yet free. I mean, don't airports make enough money charging exorbetant amounts for coffee and drinks. If you were a serious travelrer it would atcually be cheaper to buy a gprs card and connect with that, then paying the $6.95/day that the airport charges.
SPeaking of wireless internet, does anyone know what the situation is with the wireless internet on elmwood. A while back
(e:ajay) mentioned it and I remmber some other people talking about it but I haven't heard any confirmatory information. WIll it be pay as you go or simply free. If it is not free, who is going to use it?