I was looking for an electronic copy of a book titled by Forrest M. Mimms
Getting Started in Electronics that they used to sell at Radio Shack. Apparently, the guy got all creationist in the easily 90's and even though he was mega successful, Radio Shack dropped him. Just to think only ten years ago you could get fired for being an open creationist. Oh my how times have changed.
Anyways, that isn't the funny part. What is funny is that while searching for the book I found a link to a site that mentions the book and is called the best online buys or something. Look how this conversation degenerates.

It is the most outrageous online discussion gone bad example I have even seen.
I think we should start a web site called web sites gone wild. Like girl's gone wild but about community based web sites that get out of control.
What science teacher has the url ilovejesus.com, NMr. Denn does