The advance of NURBS is that they are more fun and faster to build with, in my opinion. I usually start of with NURBS surfaces or SubDs and tehn convert to polygons somewhere before texturing or export. Tonight I just used the polygon tools to build some books. I am thinking about making it into a lesson plan and having students t o make different books, etc.
For those of you that don't udnerstand what polygons are, here is a picture of what they look like, they are basically the building blocks of many 3D models.

Here is what happend when you set up lights, scan in some textures, draw out a bump map, and put it all togther into one image.

Is anyone taking the "Cyberporn and Society" class at UB. I decided to take it because my thesis advisor is teaching it and I would like to see what he is liek in the classroom but I need a ride on fridays.