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01/18/2005 03:48 #31577

I have been so busy getting ready for teaching and school to to start. I just finsihed the class websites for both classes so now it is time for bed. I like the orange color schem of the dma:390 site Maybe orange is in the future for estrip although I would like to think that I could try red too.

Tomorrow is my first real-time electronic art class. It sounds promising. Then I teaching "3D modeling for 2D Imagery". On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I am taking "Cyberporn and Society" and then on Thursday "teaching intro to digital media arts." It is a seriously full schedule and at some point I also have to begin reading lots of books and writing my thesis. I am also thinking about taking on another job as I love coding so much!

01/16/2005 14:36 #31576

Why disrepect free things?
Often, the time I spend on the site involves trying to figure out how to deal with the people who want would mess stuff up. Like I said earlier the reason I don't want comments, or forums, or unlogged chat is because of stuff like this. On the restaurant review page which I tried to make open - no login required (which I will have to change) some typed this is in the chat

guest 20:48 : big pussy milky nipples
guest 20:47 : big hairy nipples
guest 20:47 : nipples

Why are some people so stupid? I truly believe the internet is the capitalist mega superstore it is because people would will not respect what is free. It is really hard in our ultra price and status concscious country to not equate free with "not worth anything". If you don't have to login you can forget about respect. But by making a login system you are cutting off lots of people who are afraid to register for stuff because they think its dangerous or costs money.

I have been looking into topic ideas for journals as (e:twisted) requested and its kills me to look at these forums on the web because people just flame each other instead of talking about any topic. The journals here are separated enough and there is enough personal responsibilty that it doesn't really matter if some comments on your writing on their journal.

And if it is someone just making a one day post to annoy people , they quickly dissapear. If we have a pet journal that anyone can write on, and someone things you are wrong about you pet annecdote or pet car etip, etc. They will simply rip you apart in the next entry. Which slowly then turns it into an argument about some meaningless side topic instead of the intended topic and worse yet, it will always be on top as more people get nvolved in the argument pushing other poele out of the last 12.

This is really a problem. I mean most people probably think this is just funny and I am too serious, but I think that it is really a serious problem on the net. One solution is to appoint an admin who oversees the exchange of ideas and elliminates this type of chatter but in reality this could easily become a type of censorship and takes a lot of time.

I am thinking for here topic jorunals can be created sort of liek smart playlist on itunes. I have to think about it a lot. Right now I should return to 3D for a couple more days. Then I can work on it.

Deeper - 06/09/13 21:12
:-) Beware of the 10 years old troll!

01/16/2005 04:20 #31575

Getting the Maya groove on /Cyberporn
I decided to spend the evening getting back into the maya groove. I am finally switching from Cinemea 4D, although I like C4D better and think the workflow is more user friendly, productive, etc. I cannot deny that right now maya is the business for graduating students. There seems to be a lot of feature improvements for version 6. I am excited about teaching. My biggest dilema is whether to introduce NURBS or polygons first. I really think that I might go with polygons, first of all because everyone seems to want to be a video game designer and second of all because everything gets reduces to triangles at some point anyhow.


The advance of NURBS is that they are more fun and faster to build with, in my opinion. I usually start of with NURBS surfaces or SubDs and tehn convert to polygons somewhere before texturing or export. Tonight I just used the polygon tools to build some books. I am thinking about making it into a lesson plan and having students t o make different books, etc.

For those of you that don't udnerstand what polygons are, here is a picture of what they look like, they are basically the building blocks of many 3D models.


Here is what happend when you set up lights, scan in some textures, draw out a bump map, and put it all togther into one image.


Is anyone taking the "Cyberporn and Society" class at UB. I decided to take it because my thesis advisor is teaching it and I would like to see what he is liek in the classroom but I need a ride on fridays.

01/15/2005 21:58 #31574

I can't stop thinking about he war. It is making me crazy that it is still going on. I guess it will go on forever all over the world or until we are overcome by a stronger power out east.

I found a nother war blog. I have to say that I love the idea that soldiers are actually reporting on the war. I wish they could all do it. I am sure american ones are censored. This is the journal of a british troop but its a little old now. February to May 2003

01/15/2005 15:34 #31573

This is so disgusting
I was looking for an interesting elective at UB and came across this course - Basic primate gross anatomy learned by dissecting and making comparative observations of various species of primates. (Students register for lab of their choice and are automatically registered for APY 345.)