Last night the neighbors came by with their friends. We actually liked everybody for once, which is rare for the three of us. Two of the girls work at Scotch and Sirloin. They really played it up so we are going to go eat there. Everyone I have ever talked to about it, seems to have loved it. My parents even went on their first date there.
Believe it or not, they do not have the internet at their house. I can't even imagine what that is like. One of their friends had a celphone that can email pics. I told him about the site, so maybe we will see a new jorunal soon.
Paul's Journal
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01/15/2005 14:00 #31571
We finally met our neighbors01/15/2005 03:41 #31570
To all the people trying to contact meI am so sorry I have been unreachable. It is a due to a series of unfortunate connection problems that have taken me off the grid. You can always email me though my journal until I am re-interlocatable. I have a temp number that lilho knows for you hodown.
01/14/2005 15:48 #31569
I live at the asian 666I was talking to (e:soyeon) and giving her instructions to come over tonight so we can catch up, etc and I told her we live at 444. She that that is the korean equivalent of 666.
01/14/2005 13:01 #31568
Computer PaintingIf you haven't ever tried painting on a computer you have to check out Corel's Painter. There is a gallery of stuff made using it and free demo download here
You can also use it to easily add painterly effects to photographs. The paints are so real they blend perfectly for each medium and some can even drip, etc. There are oil paints, crayons, markers (which similuate getting dirty and bleeding), watercolors, chalk, and many more.
It is beyond fun, especially if you have access to a drawing tablet. A small one costs about $90 and you can get them at compusa or online. Wacom is a good brand but there are cheaper ones I think. The drawing tablet makes it more interesting because depending how hard you press the stroke of the brush is bigger or smaller. You can also erase with the eraser side of the pen.
Here are two example paintings I made but unfortunately, I only had a mouse that time, so the brush strokes are all the same width. It is still very fun, I would almost say therapeutic.
These ones are called Wheat One and Wheat Two and are inspired by wheat fields and basket weaving.

It is beyond fun, especially if you have access to a drawing tablet. A small one costs about $90 and you can get them at compusa or online. Wacom is a good brand but there are cheaper ones I think. The drawing tablet makes it more interesting because depending how hard you press the stroke of the brush is bigger or smaller. You can also erase with the eraser side of the pen.
Here are two example paintings I made but unfortunately, I only had a mouse that time, so the brush strokes are all the same width. It is still very fun, I would almost say therapeutic.
These ones are called Wheat One and Wheat Two and are inspired by wheat fields and basket weaving.

01/14/2005 01:40 #31567
What a dayThe site and Buffalo went from green and 70 degrees to grey and snow. (e:matthew) said its like living four seasons in one day.