I can't believe another year has gone by and soon enough I will be 28. I don't really mind being older, at least I didn't till I went to the hospital today to visit Nonna. She looked so sick and tired. They ripped the skin off her arm at the hospital and it is beyond painful looking. Her whole arm is purple.
To make it even worse, the woman next to her, who is supposed to be transferred to hospice, is really at the end. Not something to inspire you to recover. She has some sort of lung and body cancer and when I first visited the room I thought there was a coffee percolator over boiling. It turned out it was her breathing and then they had to come suction her lungs. I seriously thought I was going to throw up and (e:mike) was like, "come on let's get out of here." Even the woman's family left the room. Luckily for Nonna she was drugged up on pain medication and simply feel back to sleep. If I were her I would just go with the strong doses till she can get out of there.
I remember Ii used to have a lot to day about a lot of things. I hope once the semester restarts I can start thinking outside the "box" literally. I am actually getting sick of being a robot but only a little bit. I guess I would jut prefer if I could separate my mind and body. The body wants to run and play, the mind wants to sit and figure out puzzles. Unfortunately, it is hard to do both at once.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/12/2005 01:06 #31562
I am gonna be 28 soon01/10/2005 23:52 #31561
This picture is dark and crappy01/10/2005 14:02 #31560
Sunny Day01/09/2005 16:48 #31559
lilho and the feathers01/09/2005 14:07 #31558
FlagstaffI miss flagstaff a lot. I wish I could get a job there. To bad the university doesn't have a digital media arts program. Maybe I could get into communications. I decided to paint a picture of it. This is my first painting so it's nto very good but it was fun trying.

Someday I am going to relocate to flagstaff, preferably before AZ runs out of water. Does anyone knwo anybody there. I would like to launch a journal site in Flagstaff but all the people I knwo who would be interested are gone.

Someday I am going to relocate to flagstaff, preferably before AZ runs out of water. Does anyone knwo anybody there. I would like to launch a journal site in Flagstaff but all the people I knwo who would be interested are gone.