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11/26/2004 01:32 #31462

My Little Cousin
This picture is so cute, he couldn't decide between a yellow or a red apple.

11/26/2004 00:26 #31461

Bass Pro
This is fucking insane. Harsh words but our libraries are closing and 66 million tax dollars are being given to Bass Pro to open downtown.

Believe it or not, 14 million is miraculously coming from the city and county funds, I thought we were bankrupt. They say 400 jobs will be created but according to news channel 2 , it will amount to $165,000 of county and city tax dollars per job. The workers can't possibly make so much.

Now I have to ask myself where the fuck the money is coming from if we can't afford the library. I wish they would just haul the books out onto elmwood and burn them so we could at least see this huge symbol of end of our society in a most visually dramatic way. One time when wondering through Weimar I wondered what it felt like when people realized the Weimar Republic was ending.

I can't wait till Bass Pro trickles down onto my economy.

11/25/2004 21:02 #31460

The Buffalo Monopoly Game
What kind of crap is this. I wonder if the people that made it even live in Buffalo. It is so commercial and the worst part is that Boardwalk is Niagara Square. Park Avenue is Niagara Falls. That isn't even in Buffalo. No elmwood, no deleware, no chippewa.




On another notre, my dad's singing fish is dying. Dying robots are so funny. Listen for youself.


Did anyone else sign up for their 5am Target Wakeup call!!! WTF!


11/25/2004 16:34 #31459

I will have to comment on some of these pictures later. The best one is the picture of (e:mike) with candy from the early 90s that he bought when ekhert was still fays. This is the last package I haven't destroyed. He is really thinking about saftey deposit boxing it.


You can see the fays sticker but he still won't eat them. It is part of his collectable candy collection.

It accents his cashregister collection and my mother's kitchen plastic wrap collection.


The street is the north side of elmwood.


The bowl of rice is our italian contribution the thanksgiving.


and the mint green house is where I grew up.


My dad and uncle the twins


(e:mike) and my mom



Tasty Food


11/25/2004 14:45 #31458

Thanksgiving Day Snow
First of all, yesterday was the busiest day in a week but it started out with a nice surprise. I went to work and nobody was there. I had the day off and didn't realize it. It gave me time to catch up on work from 1PM to 6am. By 6am I was so sick of 3d but the badguy and monkat are 99% finished and skinable. Thanks god, I will post some render when I get a chance.

On another note it snowed today and as I had programmed it, the site snowed as soon as the Nation Weater Organisation reported it. I love stuff that works, especially when you forget about it and then it works two weeks later.

Well I am on the swimming upstream, back to the North side of elmwood where I was spawned. There is a big thanksgiving celebration waiting. Yum!
