Well, I went to the party on satursday night in TO with Jesse F, Terry and I. We had a good time dancing from 10pm to 6am. When we left I was so tired and we had to walk tens of blocks just to find food at 6am. I figured there would be somewhere to eat at 6am in a big city like Toronto, but I guess not. What was most distrubing is that after the party we asked many of the other people leaving where we could get some food and every single canadian said McDonalds! Not like one candian, or one group of canadian, but about 30 individual canadians replied with McDondals. One canadian girl tried to help us, but everyone she asked gave the same answer we got. She is the blond on e in the center and looks remarkably like my cousin christina. She seemed pretty cool. Maybe we will met again someday. Here

is that robotpilot clothing ocmpnay they were working for.
So we decided to start walking toward tourist town and ended up eating at some fancy breakfast place called the Eggs Emporium on Younge st. Somewhere I have a picture of the food. It was yummy but I wasn't all that hungry in comparison to how tired I was. I am still exhausted. I just don't move much anymore, so an extended set of danicng is beyong my bodies capablity with a follow-up of 48 hours of rest. We ended up sleeping in the car in some parking lot where I hurt my neck and legs pretty bad from sleeping really crooked.
Here are some pictures from the party

taken by someone else. We aren't in any of them. I left the sidekick in the car, so I got no pictures myself, which was both depressing and relieving as I did not have to take care of the 'kick the whole time.
I have so much freakin work to do right now. I better get to it.