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11/17/2004 23:01 #31447

Party This weekend
I am going to go to Dreamweaver [inlink]paul,2425[/inlink] afterall. All of you are going to miss out. Parties in Toronto are so fun. Check out some pics from the last couple parties these people threw.







11/17/2004 04:25 #31446

This is so sick

HOUSTON, Texas (Reuters) -- That moose may soon be just a mouse click away -- Hunters soon may be able to sit at their computers and blast away at animals on a Texas ranch via the Internet, a prospect that has state wildlife officials up in arms.

The Web site already offers target practice with a .22 caliber rifle and could soon let hunters shoot at deer, antelope and wild pigs, site creator John Underwood said on Tuesday.

What is the world coming to. I guess it is the obvious mix between video games and reality. Thi is where I can say that video game violence may be getting out of control.

11/17/2004 02:39 #31445

All our pictures
All of pictures started sowing up on yahoo images. Check out this search for elmwood strip on yahoo . (e:flacidness) , you are a star. There are pages of all of us.

There is this note on the door today about the workers having to come and and do work on the apartment tomorrow.


11/17/2004 02:32 #31444

Finally A Dancetastic Evening
Jesse F. agreed to go with me so I can finally - actually go this saturday and not be a loner. Sorry (e:robin) I realized afterwards you were having your party this weekend but now it is too late I need to go to TO for Dreamweaver [inlink]paul,2425[/inlink].

Also, the API now includes user_pic and profile access. Check it out

11/16/2004 15:04 #31443

Haircut Day
Category: hair
I had lot of greasy hair to cutoff. I was so sick of having to dry it and deal with it and seeing as I refused to ever wash it, it would start to get greasy. It was at the length where it had the potential to look messy when I woke up.

No this isn't a dead cat, it is my hair. Does anyone remember getting their hair cut at Fantastic Sams as a kid. The ywould have this machine and it you put your hair in a plastic bag at the end and threw it out, into the machine, you got a prize. Where was that this morning.

Here I look like a clown/maniac.

I'm Done - That is not a tattoo on my back (e:haikuster) had drawn on the mirror with oil crayons when she was here last year.
