Why is everyone so freakin' depressed? Wait, don't tell me I don't care. Doesn't anyone enjoy their lives anymore? It seems like everyone I talk to only complains about how sad their life is and how everything is so horrible. How about the fact that people in Iraq are having the arms and legs blown off? It least you aren't in a war. Maybe it's the end of the semester, the weather, or that Bush is president drama but honestly I am sick of hearing about it from every direction when we are in general the most privileged people on earth.
On a side note, I wonder why no one new has joined the site? Where are all the people I envisioned, who wanted to talk about their community and how they felt about it. I wonder why no one ever started journals about special topics like gardening and why everyone assumes the site is made up of teenagers when the average age is like 26. People in Buffalo really don't have much enthusiasm about anything. maybe that is why the city really sucks. If you haven't lived anywhere else, you can't even imagine what a prospering city is like. It is totally different.
I am waiting for the big contingency of middle aged woman to join and spice it up. Or maybe a band of anarchist teenagers. How about the business owners? Or even crack dealers, we know our city has its far share of those.
I guess I haven't advertised in months. It would pay to do that but then I keep feeling like it is so much work and I wonder if it's worth it to make paper crap.
(e:soyeon) was going to make posters sometime . . . It's insane how much the readership has gone up. We almost never go under 200MB per day of bandwidth but no new writers have joined, outside of those few that write one thing to advertise some event.
Hm. I'll have to think about this more critically when I am done with the other much less interesting projects I have to get done. On the other hand, I am also thinking about abandoning this project all together and focusing on something more commercial. I would have never said that before, but seeing as the growth is stangnating here, what do I have to lose. I mean I have a ton of useful source code, it does what i want it too and if the people of Buffalo arn't interested in free space, web galleries, and online community than maybe the people of another city are. Sorry to criticize you Buffalo, I have loved you as much as possible and you never seem to be very intesting, just consistently more depressed.