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11/18/2004 15:43 #31449

Are you serious?

I just want to know one thing, Why do people hate "W" so much?

How can you even ask that question? I can understand how someone might think differently than me and possibily even be a republican, but to think that you don't undestand why people dissagree with the president is ludicris. Have you never seen the news? Do you know there is a war going on right now? Do you know the ecoconmy sucks? Have you noticed the rest of the world is beginning to hate us and that the world trade centers fell down during his presidency? How about the fact we haven't caught Osa Bin Laden. How about because there is no peace or democracy in Iraq? How about because when haliburton scammed the tax payers of out money? How about the fact that he tried to ban gay marriage on the constitution? How about because the fact that he is trying to make abortion illegal? These are only a few of the reasons.

I am not suggesting you should even think all of these things are bad. For example, you might want to force woman to resort to clothing hangers and drano in back allies. Or maybe you feel that gay people aren't really human anyways and don't deserve the same rights as everyone else. Maybe you even think that war is great and love to see poor people suffer and get bombed while having to resort to eating their pets and flour. But how can you not know that that is why other people hate him? My guess is you are simply retarded or just trying to get attention.

11/18/2004 12:42 #31448

USDA Finds 'Inconclusive' Mad Cow Test R
Reuters - 58 minutes ago

First-round screening tests returned "inconclusive" results for mad cow disease from one animal and samples were being submitted for final and more sophisticated analysis, the US Agriculture Department said on Thursday.

11/17/2004 23:01 #31447

Party This weekend
I am going to go to Dreamweaver [inlink]paul,2425[/inlink] afterall. All of you are going to miss out. Parties in Toronto are so fun. Check out some pics from the last couple parties these people threw.







11/17/2004 04:25 #31446

This is so sick

HOUSTON, Texas (Reuters) -- That moose may soon be just a mouse click away -- Hunters soon may be able to sit at their computers and blast away at animals on a Texas ranch via the Internet, a prospect that has state wildlife officials up in arms.

The Web site already offers target practice with a .22 caliber rifle and could soon let hunters shoot at deer, antelope and wild pigs, site creator John Underwood said on Tuesday.

What is the world coming to. I guess it is the obvious mix between video games and reality. Thi is where I can say that video game violence may be getting out of control.

11/17/2004 02:39 #31445

All our pictures
All of pictures started sowing up on yahoo images. Check out this search for elmwood strip on yahoo . (e:flacidness) , you are a star. There are pages of all of us.

There is this note on the door today about the workers having to come and and do work on the apartment tomorrow.
