You do know you've already coded this site beyound human comprehension, right? You seem to think if you added some more features, people would come. That is not the problem. You've done your part. Go ahead and code your heart out, but don't think for one minute that's what is standing between estrip and total world domination.
So what is separating it from greater usage in the buffalo area. Is it really just lack of advertisement or lack of interest. I want to know so bad if it is worth advertising more, as it generally cost money. Even the flyers cost about $80.
When their are more people their is inevitably more to talk and read about. I would like people to be more interested intheir community members dramatic lives and their own lives, than of the lives of those portrayed on television. We have the perfect opportunity here to entertain and infrom ourself thus constructing our own entertainment reality instead of having it delivered to us with commercials.
Think about it like textual pirate radio right. It's like everyone has their own station and what is different than most places is that you have a guaranteed build in audience.
Maybe we just need sex, surgery, and death defying stunts to keep people intrigued now-a-days but I really believe that the reality of personal drama is the most seductive of all. I mean that it what gossip is based on.
I think
(e:twisted) that you are right about collaborative journals but I question why more people just don't start them up without me having to choose topics. Look at
(e:northparkproje)ct . They collaboated on their own initiative, I question why other people haven't collaborated for special topic journals although I wonder what that would do for the individualist nature of the journal format.
I know what would really work and bring a bizillion new readers is something scandalous like a sex journal where people confess true sex stories. How about the first one be something tamer like fiction/story writing one about a fictional elmwood strip seeing as gardening is long gone in our soon to be frozen tundra?
I would like to see 50 new people begin writing, not necessarily signup seeing as we have 116 with words, 172 signed up, and only about 60 that update regularly. So really some of the 50 have signed up, something is just stopping them from writing. I would really like to know what happend to them.