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Paul's Journal

My Podcast Link

10/23/2004 19:14 #31348

I love my new CD, weel I haven't actually heard it yetbecause I'm not home and my car doesn't have a mp3 cd player but the package itself was the cutest thing ever, I especially liked the ransom note, it's good to see people using it.

I'l put I on the radio later today. Thank you (e:twisted) , you are the best.


10/23/2004 20:18 #31347

I think I found a third member
I think I finally found a third member for my thesis committee which means I can hopefully start to move toward the graduarion process. He wrote this paper called Blogs and the “Social Weather" on blogging which I found on the net.

Here is the letter I wrote to him for historical evidence of this phase of my graduation.

Dr. Halavais,
My name is Paul Visco and I am a graduate Student in the Media Studies MFA program at UB. My thesis project is centered around a blogging community web site that I created for the Elmwood Strip ( ) community of Buffalo.

I have been looking for a third faculty member to join my thesis supervision commitee and Shawn Rider from media Studies pointed you out as someone who would possibly be interested in my work. Below is the official description of which has been around since June of 2003. We currently have ~170 members, with a total of 5809 journals and 2817 images uploaded. The users have written a total of over one million words and numerous friednships an intellectual engangements have been formed via the site. The site was recently reviewed in the Buffalo News' link section.

I was excited to hear that there is a faculty member at UB who is interested in this type of online community and research and who could push me in the rght direction for the written portion of my thesis. I am finishing my third year of study and would be graduating either in June or September of 2005. If you are interested I could meet anytime next week to discuss the issue further.

Paul Visco

10/23/2004 20:42 #31346

Virtual Reality User Test
While at school the other day I found this poster requesting user's for a Virtual Reality test for Josephine Anstey's Interactive Virtual Reality Drama The Trial The Trail. I made the 3D models for the environment and rendered this image so it was exciting to see it hanging up.

Here . are some links to renders from the latest scene I worked on

[size=m]Want to test out VR?[/size]
If any of you are interested in testing out virtual reality, you get to wear motion trackers and 3D glasses, then click on this link


10/24/2004 04:22 #31345

New Icons
Here are some renders of the new icons [inlink]news,520[/inlink] I modeled before they got shrunk down to mini-icon size. I am thinking about going with that rounded plastic look for a while.



10/24/2004 22:12 #31344

Tasty Sushi
(e:southernyankee) , (e:matthew) , (e:terry) and I hit Toronto up for an evening of magic on the town. We started out with at a fanc-tastic sushi bar complete with fried green tee ice cream desert.

I has yellow fin, salmon, tuna, clam, squid, spider rolls (soft shell crab), shitake sushi. Then miso soup, then seaweed salad. MMM tasty.

Then we headed off to babylon on church street for some high end martini's. I has chocolate sunday.
