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10/24/2004 23:18 #31341

Going to Church
Some dude just asked (e:southernyankee) to take us to church this weekend. Amen.


10/22/2004 02:11 #31340

This is from Internet Explorer 5 on Mac
This browser sucks so bad it makes me want to puke. Unfortunately, some people were giving me slack for not supporting it. So instead of making it not work at all as I did in the past, you can now use it at your own risk. However, I will not be working to make it look pretty as even the browser's creator (microsoft) has dropped all support for it.

UPDATE: I changed my mind, get a real browser.

10/21/2004 21:50 #31339

My life as an audio artist poser
Today I class I had to teach how to make audio art. As most of you know this is not my thing, all though I like to think I can do all things computer related. Here is the test example I made during class.


10/20/2004 22:11 #31338

Stupid Day
(e:maidencateyes) , [inlink]maidencateyes,198[/inlink] I agree today was a stupid day. Everything I did turned out bad. I mad a bunch of crappy mistakes, one after another and ironically, my fly was also down the entire class but I couldn't zipper it up cause I didn't want to look like I was touching myself, argh!

Seriously, everything that could have went wrong during my class today, I don't think that has ever happend. Everything was the wrong format, wouldn't download, server went down, plugin wouldn't work, student project wouldn't open, etc. I was just wrong and I am glad it is over.

On another note, I realized today that at one point I was chatting with (e:twisted) on my way into the men's room. I wonder if that is the first time a woman accompanied me (be it virtually) into the rest room where we continued to have a conversation as I peed. This is pretty normal with guys - so why not include woman virtually. I know you are all saying just put down the freakin' sidekick and get a life already.

10/20/2004 16:51 #31337

Psychic Bosses
Whoa, this is so 10/18 but whatever it's funny

paulsidekick: I also had a boss who was "psychic" once
paulsidekick: and she was very easy to manipulate
paulsidekick: because she was so spiritual/spooky
friendWithPsychicBoss: that sounds like this chick
paulsidekick: evenitually though, I got fired cause they insisted I was a witch
friendWithPsychicBoss: no way!
paulsidekick: Im an athiest
paulsidekick: so it was really funny
friendWithPsychicBoss: wouldn't you be a warlock anyway?
paulsidekick: but for a long time, I had her wrapped aorund my finger
friendWithPsychicBoss: that's too funny
paulsidekick: it became a game for me
friendWithPsychicBoss: what was the job?
paulsidekick: it was a lame high school at a health food store
paulsidekick: job
paulsidekick: but it was in an old pharmacy
friendWithPsychicBoss: you got fired from a health food store for being a witch. nice!
paulsidekick: and she was terrified of the basement
paulsidekick: it still had all the old medicine etc
paulsidekick: down there
paulsidekick: it did look spooky
paulsidekick: but as I am not afraid of supernatural stuff
paulsidekick: I ha dno problem traversing the basment
paulsidekick: which freaked her out
paulsidekick: but somehow gave me a power
friendWithPsychicBoss: ah ha. well, that just proves it.
friendWithPsychicBoss: superstition is weird
paulsidekick: eventually she felt I was sent take er to the darkside
paulsidekick: which is so funny
friendWithPsychicBoss: lol
paulsidekick: because I am seriously the nicest person
friendWithPsychicBoss: the dark side. ooooohhhh.....
paulsidekick: I just had to much fun with her
paulsidekick: I even told her I had powers as a child
friendWithPsychicBoss: ohmygod
paulsidekick: you should just tell her you also went to a trot card reading and realized you were her cat in a past life
paulsidekick: so you two have an intimate bond
friendWithPsychicBoss: col
paulsidekick: where you can know hat she feels
paulsidekick: they love that crap
friendWithPsychicBoss: oh, she told me all about her two cats too
friendWithPsychicBoss: she would love that
paulsidekick: i knew it
paulsidekick: they all have cats
paulsidekick: lol
friendWithPsychicBoss: I wish I could have recorded the conversation
paulsidekick: col
paulsidekick: you should have put it on your journal
paulsidekick: its so funny
friendWithPsychicBoss: i'm still at the point where I can't quite believe it's happening
paulsidekick: oh man
friendWithPsychicBoss: I can't see where this is going. i just told my family I got the job yesterday. I told jesse this morning, but that I didn't want to talk about it
friendWithPsychicBoss: i'm not entirely commited to it, if you can't tell
paulsidekick: it seriously could go either way
paulsidekick: i mean it could be bad
paulsidekick: or you could use it to leverage your positi
paulsidekick: as her f
ormer cat
paulsidekick: col
friendWithPsychicBoss: ha
friendWithPsychicBoss: you are seriously cracking me up
paulsidekick: they love colors too
friendWithPsychicBoss: maybe I should have my aura done
friendWithPsychicBoss: we may be incompatible
friendWithPsychicBoss: please, let me be incompatible with them in some way
friendWithPsychicBoss: (i keep reading 'as her former cat' and it just cracks me up every time)
friendWithPsychicBoss: (holy christ)
friendWithPsychicBoss: i feel like i've joined a cult or something
paulsidekick: sorry my mom
paulsidekick: was on the phone
friendWithPsychicBoss: s'ok
paulsidekick: its so funny
paulsidekick: I know that experience so well
paulsidekick: i honestly would welcome it again
paulsidekick: its entertaining
paulsidekick: I mean you still get paid
paulsidekick: and you can always find another job later
friendWithPsychicBoss: it's hard to keep a straight face. luckily, they're in seattle and I never have to see them. i hope
paulsidekick: and if you ever hate them
paulsidekick: tell them you found jesus
paulsidekick: and he told you they are evil
paulsidekick: it will freak them out so much
friendWithPsychicBoss: omg. i can just see that
friendWithPsychicBoss: she mentioned jesus several times
paulsidekick: oh no
friendWithPsychicBoss: one of the 'army of helpers from beyond'
friendWithPsychicBoss: the tarot card reader could see
friendWithPsychicBoss: and she verified
friendWithPsychicBoss: oh yes
paulsidekick: i totally know those kind
paulsidekick: my energy looks like this 011101010100011110010010101010101111001
paulsidekick: col
friendWithPsychicBoss: binary energy
friendWithPsychicBoss: nice reading
paulsidekick: thats what I should do
paulsidekick: computer energy reading
paulsidekick: i bet people would fall for it
paulsidekick: like a computer fix it man
friendWithPsychicBoss: there you go! oh my god, you could totally pull it off
paulsidekick: tahat doe socmputer exprcism
paulsidekick: exorcism
paulsidekick: and energy reading
friendWithPsychicBoss: exorcise the demons from your computer
friendWithPsychicBoss: people are so superstitious when it comes to computers
paulsidekick: your computer is giving off a blue energy that means it need more power in its hard rive
friendWithPsychicBoss: ;-)
friendWithPsychicBoss: I think i have to go take a bike ride and figure out what the hell i'm going to do.
paulsidekick: have fun
friendWithPsychicBoss: thanks for the consultation
paulsidekick: no problem
paulsidekick: meiow
friendWithPsychicBoss: ha
friendWithPsychicBoss: you'd be allergic to yourself
paulsidekick: ya