Here is a visual depiction of how I imagine it. Like a street lights up the streets, the wireless signal will light up the city's information superhighway.

The administration hopes to turn all 135 miles of Philadelphia into a giant wireless hotspot and bring the Internet to the masses.
Street has named a 17-member "Wireless" committee to explore the feasibility of the plan, which would involve installing thousands of transmitters across the city. Computers equipped with wireless cards could then log into the Internet.
If this becomes a reality, Philadelphia will be the first major city in the United States to provide wireless Internet access to all its residents. About 1,200 people now regularly use the free wireless access the city provides at LOVE Park.
your last one too. Or it will be a little chin music for you mister!
How ironic is it that I wrote this back in August of 04 and now I have had no less than 3 of them.