For once the weather on Elmwood is beginning to be pleasant. Befoer I went to bed this mornig at 5am, I noticed it was extremely foggy but without my classess I had mistooken it for heavy snow, so I was glad to see it was not when I woke up. I don't think I want to see heavy snow anymore, at least not till September.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/22/2004 13:47 #30874
Weather on ElmwoodCategory: weather
04/22/2004 13:45 #30873
New Day, New DeadlinesI have so much stuff to do for other people on other timelines. I hope that I can manage it all. In the mean time Alias came out with the new version 6 of Maya
I am beginning to question Digital Media Arts is a smart carrier choice. I mean, will I have to learn new stuff every year until I retire when Maya 75 comes out. I was kind of hoping to teach the history of Digital Media Arts as I get older. Seems like that could be safe.
I am also dying to work on more cell phoen features for the site and to read Howard Rheingold's Smart Mobs, but the time is really hard to find.

I am beginning to question Digital Media Arts is a smart carrier choice. I mean, will I have to learn new stuff every year until I retire when Maya 75 comes out. I was kind of hoping to teach the history of Digital Media Arts as I get older. Seems like that could be safe.
I am also dying to work on more cell phoen features for the site and to read Howard Rheingold's Smart Mobs, but the time is really hard to find.
04/21/2004 16:00 #30872
Microsoft Hires Rival From SuSe LinuxI know this isn't very local but I think it is an important step in the wrong direction for the future of computers.
from CNET
Microsoft has hired one of its worst enemies, the SuSE Linux salesman whose efforts led the city of Munich to adopt Linux and open-source software instead of Microsoft's products.
. . . The new hire will be an asset at Microsoft, Governor predicted. "He's obviously a guy who well understands the dynamics of selling to European public sector organizations, and he understands the huge difficulties that the open-source community has had in delivering on the Munich contract," Governor said. "He will make a wonderful figurehead for Microsoft."
. . . Karl Aigner, formerly SuSE's account representative for Munich, is overseeing sales of Microsoft's data center products to midsize companies in Germany. He began his new role April 1, Microsoft said Tuesday.
from CNET

Microsoft has hired one of its worst enemies, the SuSE Linux salesman whose efforts led the city of Munich to adopt Linux and open-source software instead of Microsoft's products.
. . . The new hire will be an asset at Microsoft, Governor predicted. "He's obviously a guy who well understands the dynamics of selling to European public sector organizations, and he understands the huge difficulties that the open-source community has had in delivering on the Munich contract," Governor said. "He will make a wonderful figurehead for Microsoft."
. . . Karl Aigner, formerly SuSE's account representative for Munich, is overseeing sales of Microsoft's data center products to midsize companies in Germany. He began his new role April 1, Microsoft said Tuesday.
04/20/2004 13:21 #30871
The Bush ProtestThe bush protest was crazy. At least 1000 people turned out to show support against Bush and his regime.
I took a lot of pictures which are all on the elmwood journal. This was my favorite.
They crossed at just the right moment.

I was amazed that the only pro-bush people I met were anti-abortion activists. I had an interesting conversation with one, when she told me it was not ok to abort babies, but it was ok to bomb them. With one catch - as long as they are the children of satan. Great!
Terry got into the pro-bush crwod and pretended to be a nazi supporter for bush. See the pic on the elmwood journal. It was really freakin hillarious because this one Bush supporter really looked liek a neo-nazi and he was right up in front of the news cameras. I think this could be a geeat future tactic to subvert the message of the Bush supporters.
Lots of people we knew showed up. Christoph seemed to have a good time and ended up with Tony Conrad and Stephanie (pricessbuffalo?) Stickboy was there, so was Robin, emily, kevin, theresa, Chris Outlaw, and Cyan. We even met a couple of new people that seemed pretty cool. At least they wern't afraid to really stick up for what they believe in. Those are the kind of people I like.
Tony and Stephanie took christoph out to brunch, which was nice. He seemd excited to talk about the conference with them.
What really freaked me out was the mass of Scientologists. I have a feeling they are up to no good, but I guess I do not know enough to judge them yet. Sounds like research time.
I took a lot of pictures which are all on the elmwood journal. This was my favorite.
They crossed at just the right moment.

I was amazed that the only pro-bush people I met were anti-abortion activists. I had an interesting conversation with one, when she told me it was not ok to abort babies, but it was ok to bomb them. With one catch - as long as they are the children of satan. Great!
Terry got into the pro-bush crwod and pretended to be a nazi supporter for bush. See the pic on the elmwood journal. It was really freakin hillarious because this one Bush supporter really looked liek a neo-nazi and he was right up in front of the news cameras. I think this could be a geeat future tactic to subvert the message of the Bush supporters.
Lots of people we knew showed up. Christoph seemed to have a good time and ended up with Tony Conrad and Stephanie (pricessbuffalo?) Stickboy was there, so was Robin, emily, kevin, theresa, Chris Outlaw, and Cyan. We even met a couple of new people that seemed pretty cool. At least they wern't afraid to really stick up for what they believe in. Those are the kind of people I like.
Tony and Stephanie took christoph out to brunch, which was nice. He seemd excited to talk about the conference with them.
What really freaked me out was the mass of Scientologists. I have a feeling they are up to no good, but I guess I do not know enough to judge them yet. Sounds like research time.
04/20/2004 01:05 #30870
Busy DayI had to do lots of paperwork today for various hoop jumping, beaurocratic stuff. We succesfully picked up Christoph from the airport and got him to our house.
We will all be attending the Bsh protest in the morning. I hope to see you'll there.
Julie, if you read this in time, please come to the protest so we can take pictures.
We will all be attending the Bsh protest in the morning. I hope to see you'll there.
Julie, if you read this in time, please come to the protest so we can take pictures.