The bush protest was crazy. At least 1000 people turned out to show support against Bush and his regime.
I took a lot of pictures which are all on the elmwood journal. This was my favorite.
They crossed at just the right moment.
I was amazed that the only pro-bush people I met were anti-abortion activists. I had an interesting conversation with one, when she told me it was not ok to abort babies, but it was ok to bomb them. With one catch - as long as they are the children of satan. Great!
Terry got into the pro-bush crwod and pretended to be a nazi supporter for bush. See the pic on the elmwood journal. It was really freakin hillarious because this one Bush supporter really looked liek a neo-nazi and he was right up in front of the news cameras. I think this could be a geeat future tactic to subvert the message of the Bush supporters.
Lots of people we knew showed up. Christoph seemed to have a good time and ended up with Tony Conrad and Stephanie (pricessbuffalo?) Stickboy was there, so was Robin, emily, kevin, theresa, Chris Outlaw, and Cyan. We even met a couple of new people that seemed pretty cool. At least they wern't afraid to really stick up for what they believe in. Those are the kind of people I like.
Tony and Stephanie took christoph out to brunch, which was nice. He seemd excited to talk about the conference with them.
What really freaked me out was the mass of Scientologists. I have a feeling they are up to no good, but I guess I do not know enough to judge them yet. Sounds like research time.