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09/29/2005 19:39 #30157

Wap access to chat
Category: estrip
You can post to the chat now on a cell phone thanks to Sarah Ho's Request. You need to log in first at

09/29/2005 13:26 #30156

Official Greeter/ Helpers
Category: help
I need a someone or couple estrip savy veteran peeps who want to be official greeters/helpers. It's not very demanding. You would ber interacting with people about question on how to use the site and possibly answering some emails. When you are online it will show some sort of status symbol like "official helper" so that people can ask you for help.

new icon maybe?

Typical interaction: People sign up but have trouble confirming their email. You would have a control panel to manually confirm them. They aren't sure how to add a picture to their journal or listen to sound, etc. A lot of times the questions are even simpler than that, such as, "What is estrip about?", "Does it cost anything?", etc

While the help files would be the most obvious place to get the answers, some people just like a little coaching. So help might have a link to helper peeps online if they still have a question about something and that helper would be you.
ladycroft - 09/29/05 17:03
if you give me a little tutorial i'd be happy to help, since i'm on quite often.
alison - 09/29/05 15:20
if you need any help with new young'ns, i speak teenager.

09/28/2005 23:45 #30155

Estrip Wap gets Chat
Category: wap
I added chat to the wap site for (e:lilho). I will allow people to post to the chat after i go get a guiness at the pink. In the mean time read the chat at on your wap compatible cell phone.


uncutsaniflush - 09/29/05 00:08
mon dieu paul!!

Do you walk on the water as well?

09/26/2005 22:56 #30154

Two Questions
Category: estrip
1. Does anyone want to be a sports writer? You don't have to already be a member of the site but I would like someone to cover local sports and sport issues.

2. When I get some time, I am going to totally redo the calendar interface as it apparently is not very useful. More work for (e:uncutsaniflush).

I am thinking about moving the calendar right off the page and making a calendar utility that other people can post to without even having a journal entry to associate with it. You will still be able to associate a journal entry with an entry on the calendar. I am also thinking about making calendar comments. After 2 years it has seen very little use other than upon its release. Does anyone have suggestion? Just leave them as comments.
uncutsaniflush - 09/27/05 00:21

i think i got the easy job - for me at least writing help files is way easier than coding.
ladycroft - 09/26/05 23:06
I would use the calendar more if I were able to post without having to tag it to a journal entry. Sounds like a plan.

09/25/2005 22:50 #30153

Latest Entries Update
Category: estrip
I have updated the latest entries box to display the number of media (images, sound, video) included with each entry. If you roll over the mini icons, it will tell you how many of that type of media are included in the entry. Unfortunately, some people with big names like (e:southernyankee), haha, make the icons pop over the edge if they add multiple media formats to one entry!! I might redesign a little bit but I am really busy with my day job work right now.

[size=m]peep count update[/size]
Posting to the chat renews your name in the peep count if you have timed out after 5 minutes of inactivity.