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03/17/2005 16:51 #30062

Help Updated
In a valiant attempt to keep up with the ever-changing updates/improvements on the site - which seem to spread faster than an outbreak of (e:) gossip on (e:Pageseven) - the help files have also been updated to reflect most of the new changes. If you don't find what you're looking for in [c]help[/c] contact the help admin via the contact links that will magically appear if no results are found for your search query.

>>Posted By: twisted

03/17/2005 13:26 #30061

Happy Saint Patrick's Day
The start up sound today is "Molly Malone." There are lots of other irish midi files available here

>>Posted By: paul

03/28/2005 22:23 #30060

Redid the inlinks
I redid the inlink system to eventually leave for intersite links and tracking. Right now they just have an upgraded icon and a new format. The new format is at the bottom of any journal. Also when you click on the inlink icon, it now copies to your epad without all that extra time stamp data, so that it is more convenient.

Don't forget to check out my quicktime plugin for firefox instructions

>>Posted By: paul

03/11/2005 02:02 #30059

View of elmwoodstrip
I had asked people to post their view of elmwoodstrip last week and got the following responses. If you posted one, make sure I am not missing yours. Does anyone else have a view they would like to share? I would really like to make them into a collage for some new site banners.

If you do, post them in your journal and make the title "view of elmwoodstrip." Matthew, what about you and your new laptop? If you are a reader and not a writer but would like to share your view feel free to email (e:paul) 's journal with the image and I will post it.

(e:uncutsaniflush) - [inlink]uncutsaniflush,20[/inlink]


(e:angryshortkid) - [inlink]angryshortkid,22[/inlink]

(e:maidencateyes) - [inlink]maidencateyes,265[/inlink]

(e:ajay) - [inlink]ajay,282[/inlink]

(e:boxerboi) - [inlink]boxerboi,45[/inlink]

(e:paul) - [inlink]paul,2771[/inlink]

(e:twisted) - [inlink]twisted,162[/inlink]

(e:metalpeter) - [inlink]metalpeter,295[/inlink]

(e:drchlorine) - [inlink]drchlorine,86[/inlink]

(e:maureen) - [inlink]maureen,44[/inlink]

(e:scud) - [inlink]scud,77[/inlink]

(e:nicholas) - [inlink]nicholas,65[/inlink]

(e:southernyankee) - [inlink]southernyankee,177[/inlink]

(e:jasonsback) - [inlink]jason,107[/inlink]

(e:julie) - [inlink]julie,83[/inlink]

>>Posted By: paul >>Updated By: paul 03/11/05 10:46 >>Updated By: paul 03/11/05 10:47 >>Updated By: paul 03/11/05 11:40 >>Updated By: paul 03/12/05 19:47 >>Updated By: paul 03/14/05 11:05 >>Updated By: paul 03/17/05 12:41 >>Updated By: paul 03/21/05 22:07

03/14/2005 19:31 #30058

Mini Updates
You can now cut and paste form word without all that character mess. At least for curly quotes and apostrophes, elipses, and long dashes. If you all discover more of them feel free to send me a note.

Also, I made it so lists no longer interpret blank lines as new lines numbers.

>>Posted By: paul