Yahoo! just recently declared their much-awaited entry into the blogging world with the announcement of a service called Yahoo! 360. Now they are showing that they are serious towards their efforts with their acquisition of the online photo-sharing site Flickr.
Flickr. . . which allows users to upload, share, and discuss images on the Internet. The images can be given labels and comments by the visitors and can be shared in the blogosphere by incorporating them in Blogs.
Pretty soon blogs are going to be completely corporate as Google owns blogger, livejournal was just bought out by Six Apart, MSN opened tehir blog site at MSN spaces, and yahoo starts Yahoo! 360.
Somehow I am managing to keep up with features on my own, imagine having a budget. I can't decide if I hate flickr for selling out or love them for making it to that point!
Counting LiveJournal, Movable Type, and TypePad, Six Apart will power over six and a half million blogs.
>>Posted By: paul >>Updated By: paul 03/21/05 18:06