I redid the chat, so please test it out. It now loads just the latest data into the chat box instead of updating the whole thing, which saves on bandwidth and make it work much smoother. Becuase of this fix, the chat can now checked every 10 seconds.
>>Posted By: paul >>Updated By: paul 03/06/05 18:56
News's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/06/2005 19:54 #30053
The chat03/06/2005 17:04 #30052
Browser Breakdown02/26/2005 15:01 #30051
Firefox Update time02/22/2005 15:26 #30050
E:Peeps at Allen Street HardwareDon't forget to stop by Allen Street Hardware tonight at 10pm. Be there!
>>Posted By: rachel
>>Posted By: rachel
02/24/2005 22:53 #30049
Fake FBI email with vriusI got this off google news, but figur3ed it would be good to spread the message to everyone on the site.
A computer virus that’s finding its way to inboxes is fronting itself as a message from the FBI.
If you get what looks like an e-mail from the FBI, beware, it may not be what it seems.
A mass e-mail infiltrating inboxes tells people they are being monitored by the feds and they’ve surfed illegal websites. But it’s a scam.
The FBI says the e-mail is fraudulent and the attachment contains a computer virus, so don’t open it.
Consumers who receive the e-mail can report it to the FBI’s Internet Fraud Complaint Center at
>>Posted By: paul
A computer virus that’s finding its way to inboxes is fronting itself as a message from the FBI.
If you get what looks like an e-mail from the FBI, beware, it may not be what it seems.
A mass e-mail infiltrating inboxes tells people they are being monitored by the feds and they’ve surfed illegal websites. But it’s a scam.
The FBI says the e-mail is fraudulent and the attachment contains a computer virus, so don’t open it.
Consumers who receive the e-mail can report it to the FBI’s Internet Fraud Complaint Center at
>>Posted By: paul