Firefox is getting much closer to being the number one browser for estrip. It definatly should be. If you don't have firefox already, you should get it now, it's free .
MS Internet Explorer 41.1 %
Firefox 39.3 %
Safari 17.9 %
>>Posted By: paul
News's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/06/2005 17:04 #30052
Browser Breakdown02/26/2005 15:01 #30051
Firefox Update time02/22/2005 15:26 #30050
E:Peeps at Allen Street HardwareDon't forget to stop by Allen Street Hardware tonight at 10pm. Be there!
>>Posted By: rachel
>>Posted By: rachel
02/24/2005 22:53 #30049
Fake FBI email with vriusI got this off google news, but figur3ed it would be good to spread the message to everyone on the site.
A computer virus that’s finding its way to inboxes is fronting itself as a message from the FBI.
If you get what looks like an e-mail from the FBI, beware, it may not be what it seems.
A mass e-mail infiltrating inboxes tells people they are being monitored by the feds and they’ve surfed illegal websites. But it’s a scam.
The FBI says the e-mail is fraudulent and the attachment contains a computer virus, so don’t open it.
Consumers who receive the e-mail can report it to the FBI’s Internet Fraud Complaint Center at
>>Posted By: paul
A computer virus that’s finding its way to inboxes is fronting itself as a message from the FBI.
If you get what looks like an e-mail from the FBI, beware, it may not be what it seems.
A mass e-mail infiltrating inboxes tells people they are being monitored by the feds and they’ve surfed illegal websites. But it’s a scam.
The FBI says the e-mail is fraudulent and the attachment contains a computer virus, so don’t open it.
Consumers who receive the e-mail can report it to the FBI’s Internet Fraud Complaint Center at
>>Posted By: paul
02/17/2005 12:42 #30048
messages v2.0Messages are now limited to 160 char but it counts for you. You could always send more than one but this prevents anyone from sending a 5000 message to your journal and messing it up, espeically if you were on dialup. Also if you have sms / text message forwarding enabled, a littl emini green cell phone shows up next to the send button, alerting the writer that you receive messages on the go.
>>Posted By: paul
>>Posted By: paul