Periodically, since my wife and I split, it's felt like I get turned into a human punching bag. Nobody did anything wrong yet the vicissitudes of life come down like bad plumbing.
I have daughters who asked my ex to ask me if they could pass on coming over for awhile. They want to hang, they just down want to sleep over. Ex also mentioned that her vibrator is missing and for the record I ain't got it. She (my ex) went to great pains to assure me I was doing okay on the Dad front. It's just the close surroundings were interfering with the kids being 15 and 12. Intellectually, I know all of this and understand it. I'd rather the girls pass then be here unhappy. But emotionally, it still reduced me to rubble. Your brain hears everything and is fine, but your heart stops listening after "We don't want to come over."
I kept it together as I went across the parking lot to my car. Once inside the lil red bus, I let it go. The pressures of doing 2 1/2 jobs at work and then hearing that from my girls managed to suck the fight right out of me. So, here I sits, man enough to mention I bawled most of the way home.
Sucks to try so hard only to get beat down again.
Knew it was coming, but you'd like a little praise for all the shit I've had to put up with in recent years.
I settled for the next best thing. Number 1 Son and I just repaired to Fowlers for shakes.
Chocolate malt to sooth the wounds.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/15/2006 19:31 #29638
Will the beatings ever stop?Category: aw crap!
12/14/2006 22:23 #29637
It's all a bullshit, Charlie BrownCategory: ho hos
12/11/2006 20:28 #29636
Monday Mental McNuggetsCategory: potpourri
A moment of parental pride to start with, dear reader, my lovely 8 year old had a "Belt Test" in his Tae Kwon Do class tonight. I raced out of work to see it and got there just in time to see him put his foot clean through a board. I know the board was made for that but it still gave a bit of a goosebump to see him nail it on the first try. Very cool.
Sigh, onward and upward. Less than two weeks of shopping days left before the grand pagan ritual and three to the next PMT bash.
Who's my secret Santa, Imk?
Sigh, onward and upward. Less than two weeks of shopping days left before the grand pagan ritual and three to the next PMT bash.
Who's my secret Santa, Imk?
joshua - 12/11/06 20:49
What a cheeky comment from your daughter! Ha.
Dining with the prez of Time Warner? Screw the rest of it, a free meal on the company is always in style.
Lastly, IMO anyway, there are times where a cold beer solves all kinds of problems, at least temporarily. And what is wrong with pretending that its actually you on the beach with a Corona in that commercial?
What a cheeky comment from your daughter! Ha.
Dining with the prez of Time Warner? Screw the rest of it, a free meal on the company is always in style.
Lastly, IMO anyway, there are times where a cold beer solves all kinds of problems, at least temporarily. And what is wrong with pretending that its actually you on the beach with a Corona in that commercial?
12/09/2006 22:29 #29635
Responsibilities suck, butCategory: fatherman
As I write this, the ENknot-a-thon is in full swing. Thanks to a confluence of events, my young son called and asked to come over because his sister is having an overnight.
Can't say no to that, so the twister games, beverages of unusual origin and the intriguing goings on in attics will go on without my "lame" partaking. I am doing a good guy thing, allowing the ex to go catch up with some childhood buddies for a bit while manning the domestic front.
It happened sort of suddenly and hey, it ain't often you qet requests, so, I'll make the official bash.
Just wanted to say hope there is much fun being had, cameras a whirring and that Tony has a great night. You're a good dude and I wish I'd celebrated my 30th with as much style.
Have a great night, partyin peeps.
Can't say no to that, so the twister games, beverages of unusual origin and the intriguing goings on in attics will go on without my "lame" partaking. I am doing a good guy thing, allowing the ex to go catch up with some childhood buddies for a bit while manning the domestic front.
It happened sort of suddenly and hey, it ain't often you qet requests, so, I'll make the official bash.
Just wanted to say hope there is much fun being had, cameras a whirring and that Tony has a great night. You're a good dude and I wish I'd celebrated my 30th with as much style.
Have a great night, partyin peeps.
12/07/2006 18:11 #29634
FukitolCategory: frustration
I'm not happy
I got a heap of more trivialities dumped on me at work, where a large scale layoff got announced.
I have to move my desk set up again and I don't even have a red stapler to boot.
My immediate bosses are lovely people but shitful administrators.
My resumes aren't getting nibbles of late,
Probably can't go to the party on Saturday.
Hasn't been a week for bragging....
I don't feel good
Show's over
Move along
Nothing to see
I got a heap of more trivialities dumped on me at work, where a large scale layoff got announced.
I have to move my desk set up again and I don't even have a red stapler to boot.
My immediate bosses are lovely people but shitful administrators.
My resumes aren't getting nibbles of late,
Probably can't go to the party on Saturday.
Hasn't been a week for bragging....
I don't feel good
Show's over
Move along
Nothing to see
metalpeter - 12/07/06 19:34
Layoffs and moving the desk again ah that sucks, plus you maynot be able to make it to the party that sucks to.
Layoffs and moving the desk again ah that sucks, plus you maynot be able to make it to the party that sucks to.
i wish you peace.
mrmike, when I was around the age of your daughters my parents got a divorce. Actually, I lived with my Dad and it was my mother that I went to go and see. Going to my mother's apartment was great, but also very draining. There were times that I felt like your daughters and it didn't have anything to do with my mother that I didn't want to go to her place all the time. I'm sure that your daughters are not playing favorites, but rather just want stability. Just hang in there and maybe write them each a letter. Assure them that you understand how they feel and you want them to know that you are there for them when they need you. Maybe you can ask them about creating a new visiting schedule? Divorce is difficult for everyone in the family, but from what little I know of you it seems that you are always doing your best. Your kids will always remember that.
Does it hurt yes, should it hurt yes and does it suck yeah it does. I think it might be better that they asked mom to ask you, because they at least know that them asking directly might be to hurtfull or they where affraid to ask you. Belive it or not but in the long run it might be better for both you and them at 12 and 15 they both may be changing a lot. Sometimes fathers and daughters don't get along at those times do to dating and things like that and a lot of bitterness and resentment forms between fathers and there daughters. I'm not saying it shouldn't hurt cause it should but maybe it is for the better. It dosn't mean they don't like you or don't care about you it just means they would for what ever reason rather be with your ex. Try not to take it to personally. All you can really do is be who you are and hope people like that. Hang in there.
(((( (e:Mrmike) ))))
I think all teenagers go through that "geeze, my parents are cramping my style" phase, particularly parents of the opposite gender. Even cool dads like you aren't immune, i am sorry to hear.
I firmly believe that if you are always open and there for your daughters, they will come back to you and may even wonder why they wanted to pass on hanging out with you.
As for the crying... well, damn, if we can laugh in public, why can't we cry? No shame in it... real men cry, for sure.
Thanks you guys, positive reinforcement has been rather sparse of late.
The fact that this bothers you proves that you are a good dad.
I know you know that your presence in your daughters lives is very important.
I bet that they *KNOW* you'll be there for them so they kinda take you for granted. But you are still their dad and they love you.
awww mike, that sucks big time. but i know that you know, that this will pass and soon your girls will realize what a great father they have and will come back around. it might take a few years, of boys, of partying, of being teenagers, but they'll be back. even if not physically, because of college, or jobs, surely emotionally. hang in there, i totally know how you are feeling. i have a 13 year old too.