Some random thoughts from a strange day/weekend (aren't they all).
I belong to the Unitarian Church on Elmwood. Twice a year they host a "Music Sunday." An small orchestra teams up with the church choir. It's pretty great and turns more into a free concert instead of a church service. That's a minor gripe, but the attrtaction itself does reveal that the church does instead have its share of hypocrites and tight-asses, many of whom believe that the presence of a few violins make them think they are at a concert hall. I wasn't there because of my Bills committment, but My ex and number one son were in the front row. Preparations were under way, musicians were tuning up and my lovely boy was asking his mom a few questions about the instruments. You don't exactly see many bassoons daily on Elmwood now. Keep in mind people are still streaming in, chatting and whatnot. This old bitty sitting nearby thought she was at the Philharmonic because she was ssshing my son. "Is he going to be talking during the performance?" she actually had the nerve to ask. Much to her credit, my ex explained in a level, yet go fuck yourself tone that the performance hadn't started and since children were asking genuinely interested questions, shouldn't those questions be given respected and answered to encourage interest??
At this point, the old bitty mumbled her way into silence. The space between these two parties was broken up by a couple who sat down and TALKED through much of the service.
Made me smile.
Elsewhere, a friggin cold day of football themed activities. Through the magic of gift card, I took breakfast at Panos. The Panos I knew is gone. A chicken souvlaki breakfast and coffee used up the entire 15.00 on the card. It was great but I remember when 15 used to be enough to feed 3 people back when Panos was in the Falafel Bar space. milkshakes.
My long johns earned their money yesterday as it was brisk. Got to work in the lower portion of the stadium yesterday and it was fun to actually see the game. My position as a dugout usher made me stay till about 20 minutes after the games end, a new policy that ensured that the traffic jams were well established. It was a familar face day. A few old acquaintances drifted by. Had the pleasant encounter of directing
(e:Enknot) to a seat. The birthday boy is a good luck charm. Shortly after that, I ran into woman I hadn't seen in sometime. She used to bellydance with my former spouse, and greeted me with something between a warm greeting and a tonscilectomy. "We should go out sometime," she yelled over her shoulder, heading back to her seat.
Pretty sure we nearly just did, our hero thought.
It started snowing on the way home. I'm not a big snow for the holidays kind of guy. It's a fairly long walk from my post at the stadium to where employees have to park. The Bills run shuttles for us, but I almost never take them. After standing in one spot for so long, it kind of feels good to stretch your legs with the walk. I cut across the main lot, snow is pelting me in the face, change direction to walk down Abbot Rd, snow shifts direction ( like barbeque smoke), I got to my car and made an old man noise when I sat down in my drivers seat. Good thing the season is almost over.
Getting a little old for this shit. Bowl of pasta at home a little later and I was out by 10.
Stay warm peeps, mondays are getting colder.
((((( (e:Mrmike) )))))
Layoffs and moving the desk again ah that sucks, plus you maynot be able to make it to the party that sucks to.