the world in which I live......
I'm struggling to hang on the job, as the door isn't closed all the way. I'm a hot topic at Adelphia Media Services. The news that I am probably available is grist for the gossip mills down there They are the hucksters who go to businesses to sign them up for commericals. "You can come join us"
I know cults with more enticing recruiting. What makes the whole thing a fucking sitcom is that there actually are Sales Representatives for Adelphia who work on a door to door basis, jehovah's witnesses without the warmth. These characters are the result of somebody calling central casting and saying "Send me the most charmless creeps you can find and if they have body odor, more's the better." These gifts to society now reside in our building. We used to keep them safely stashed over by UB. A few of the matinee idols are grooving through the building trying to find out who got the call from Time Warner and who didn't.
Their inquiries have gotten progressively annoying to the point where the two women I share an office with laid them flat. They both have my eternal respect and today reeled off lines I wish I would have thought. One DSR was told "he made it to Day One with Time Warner, best of luck with Day Two."
Not terribly innovative, but it gave me a chuckle over my morning quart of coffee. My ego got a much needed boost too. There has been a big hullabaloo over Major League Baseball coverage and we got to the bottom of it all. A release was drafted but the big bosses weren't comfortable turning it loose until "Mike reviewed it."
Score one for me. Gotta take your victories where you find them.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/04/2006 19:26 #29478
I do not believe nor comprehend....04/04/2006 17:00 #29477
AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHH!It needed to be said, better now.
More later
More later
03/31/2006 16:31 #29475
Tragic photoPicture of a horrible highway accident in Germany.
The picture may be kind of hard to take for some of you.
If you look closely you can see what appear to be some survivors of the
accident still in the wreckage.
Although the picture is quite graphic, it makes you realize how quickly
our loved ones can be taken from us.
Some stayed on the scene to help and even though they performed mouth to
mouth on quite a few, none apparently survived.

The picture may be kind of hard to take for some of you.
If you look closely you can see what appear to be some survivors of the
accident still in the wreckage.
Although the picture is quite graphic, it makes you realize how quickly
our loved ones can be taken from us.
Some stayed on the scene to help and even though they performed mouth to
mouth on quite a few, none apparently survived.

leetee - 03/31/06 18:58
The horror!!!!!!!!!!
The horror!!!!!!!!!!
03/30/2006 16:02 #29474
There are some cool parts of this jobI'm sort of a jerk of all trades at this gig, but there are somethings that pop out that can be pretty friggin cool. All the adelphia commericals pop up because of some shuckin and jivin I do. It's mostly paperwork, but it has can have some high profile results. One of the annoying commericals pops up during West Wing reruns on Bravo and I can say I did. Very geeky, I'll readily admit, but an ego trip nonetheless.
As a former college dj and host of one of the worst rock shows in WBFO history, it was fun to start doing voiceovers for a few ads. That too is a powertrip. A couple production guys kissing your ass. The microphone does have the little spit cover/filter on it. The slightly frazzled production chief goes from a high-pitched, high decibel near fury to talking in a near-librarial tone. In the most inside of inside voices, gently instructs you to stand a little closer to the microphone. We do a check for levels. He reels me in with a silent count and away I go.
Given how insane it can be around here lately, it's a blissful chore to do, frees you from all the other bullshit that usually captures my brain and slowly failing last nerve.
It's only 7 to 10 seconds of vocal glory at a pop but it's still fun. My Dad was watching something on Discovery the other night and called me "that was you on American Chopper, wasn't it."
Made my day. Let pop try to stick that to the refridgerator.
As a former college dj and host of one of the worst rock shows in WBFO history, it was fun to start doing voiceovers for a few ads. That too is a powertrip. A couple production guys kissing your ass. The microphone does have the little spit cover/filter on it. The slightly frazzled production chief goes from a high-pitched, high decibel near fury to talking in a near-librarial tone. In the most inside of inside voices, gently instructs you to stand a little closer to the microphone. We do a check for levels. He reels me in with a silent count and away I go.
Given how insane it can be around here lately, it's a blissful chore to do, frees you from all the other bullshit that usually captures my brain and slowly failing last nerve.
It's only 7 to 10 seconds of vocal glory at a pop but it's still fun. My Dad was watching something on Discovery the other night and called me "that was you on American Chopper, wasn't it."
Made my day. Let pop try to stick that to the refridgerator.
um...for the record...adelphia rapes like a twisted pedophile every single fucking month.