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03/28/2006 14:33 #29471

If I didn't have bad luck....
Holy cripers! When it rains it pours. I've been slaving away in various capacities for Adelphia, most recently in the marketing department. I've endured the Rigas nonsense, decision-making on an epically bad scale and other intelligence insulting atrocities that are too numerous too mention. We just went through the dignity insulting process of having to interview with Time Warner for our jobs. Time Warner doesn't want me continuing beyond the transition. The Fuckers!!

There I vented. Corporate culture is like military intelligence, ya know.

I got three months to work with.

Worst part is that I actually liked the job.

03/27/2006 20:06 #29470

Feels weird
I'm a part time parent and it feels weird. My kids are reasonably well adjusted, helps that we limit their exposure to the grandparents (I'm kiddin). I've been separated for almost two years now as amicably as you could be, but occasionally things come along that kick you in the shorts.

THe ex who I get along fine with and her partner (who I get along fine with too) were having a small gathering at the house formerly known as mine a few weeks ago. It was supposed to be a small thing, but the organizer invited a handful of people over to cake and whoop it up. I'm still not sure if that included me. I knew everybody who attended. I was over at a friend's house simutaneously bemoaning the sabres game, listening him bitch about his marriage while he listened to me bitch about all the women I know are either married or gay or both (to each other). My wise middle child called me and gave me this riotous account of the goings on and alluded that I should have been there. There was no distress in her voice, it was more of a good time and you're missing it, stoopid sort of statement.

I figure if I was meant to be invited, one of the principles would have done so. I was driving home and started sobbing a little because you can't help but wonder if I lost these folks (the other partygoers) as friends because my wife and I are now single. Tne parenting angle is working, I see and participate in the kids' goings on just fine, but the amicable Elmwood circle sometimes renders people disposable.

While I'm not putting rocks in my pocket (Hang in there LMK), occasionally you wonder. I was closing the Adelphia Zone at the arena a few nights ago. I had to duck down to shut off a pc that controlled some lights and the most epic back spasm shot through me. It hurt like hell so I just stayed semifetal till it passed. As it started to subside, I couldn't help but laugh a little. 20,000 friggin people in the building and not one of them would coming lookin. Good thing I fell but could still get up.

Whoever said if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger seriously needs his ass kicked and I think I have just enough "character" to pull it off.

Thinking of deleting myself and putting spongebob back as a user pic

jenks - 03/28/06 00:59
Nah, don't delete yourself. We'd miss you. I like you(r posts). :)
zobar - 03/27/06 20:17
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Unless it cuts your legs off - then it just makes you shorter.

- Z
ladycroft - 03/27/06 20:11
why do that?

03/26/2006 19:56 #29469

Found this, thought I should share...


metalpeter - 03/27/06 16:28
Funny. But that is How Bush Really thinks.
jason - 03/27/06 11:59
  • rolls eyes*

Propaganda lives on!
leetee - 03/26/06 20:01
how true!

thanks for the chuckle

03/24/2006 18:12 #29468

Explains a lot I think


03/24/2006 08:23 #29467

Spot Coffee made today cloudy
I was tending to my sick son last night at my place last night so his mom could get to a meeting. While puttering around the apartment, I noticed the dearth of breakfast stuffs, so I figure no problem, I'll get up early and head to spot.

I arrive at spot this morning at 7, time for a mike and a house blend (my personal favorite). I got half an hour before I have to get into work. They aren't real busy. Only one other guy in the pace is eating. I get my coffee and an artvoice and have a seat. 10 minutes go by, no big deal really. 20 minutes go by. All's quiet in the kitchen. The Fuck!! I stroll over to the counter and the woman behind the counter is doing many things, none of which have any thing related to food prep.

"You had the Mike, didn't you?"

I'm thinking, I was hoping to have the Mike, but contained myself into uttering "and you haven't started it yet?"

"I'm really sorry, I've got a million things going on here"

None of them apparently involved cooking.

Not that big a deal, I couldn't wait any longer as the boss likes it when I show up on time. But when a favorite place lets you down it can color your whole day.

I'm going to be doing mental spin control all day. I can feel it.

Keep Passing the open window, ya'all

jason - 03/24/06 09:24
Oh man, and the Mike is so tasty too.
jenks - 03/24/06 09:05
Ooh stuff like that pisses me off...
I probably would have gotten pissy and muttered something like "well forget it cancel my order I can't wait any longer I'll be late for work" and left in a huff. (my temper comes out once in a while)... And yeah, it would make me cranky for at least the morning, if not the whole day. I hope they at least gave your money back...