I'm offiically on spring break from school. Well ok in about 16 minutes I will be. Thank goodness. I am really hoping to use this week productively and really do some good plans and regroup and figure out what I need to do to make the rest of the year go smoothly. Every day there are good and bad things. It is just so hard because I don't know the kids. I would love to be able to joke around with the choruses, because I think that would start establishing a good relationship and they would connect to me etc. But I'm sort of naturally not that funny or spontaneous. And all my friends know I'm awful at telling stories. So I kind of just, play and they sing. Or talk to their friends and are generally rude, haha. What am I saying,. I'm bavbbling. I am really tired. On each of my free periods today I had 8th and 7th grade girls hanging around my classroom. Now, it's true that I'm trying to be cool and get to know the kids but holy heck are they crazy. One of them left her lunch tray here. Gross.
Wow all I talk about is teaching. and i dojt know how to end this my mind totally just wandered for about 10 minutes. I forget where I was even going with this entry. Well, happy Easter and I can't wait to eat candy. (e:Mike) let's have a chip and dip party sometime!
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/13/2006 14:04 #29280
spring break!04/07/2006 13:04 #29279
so disappointed in meI am so disappointed in myself. I feel like the worst teacher in the world. Today I burst into tears as soon as my last class left. I do not want to be that person that cries after a lesson doesn't go well. But when you have four days in a row of teaching and you don't feel like ANY of them were 100% or even 80% successful, it makes you feel pretty terrible about yourself.
I know that I am coming in in the middle of the year to a classroom where the teacher before me was respected and liked a lot. The students are used to a routine. I know that I'm young and that this is my first week of teaching. I am too hard on myself. But I basically stink right now. I wouldn't go so far as to say I have NO control, but there's moments when it's pretty close. I cannot find the fine line between being mean and being nice, and so far I'm leaning way too close towards being too nice and too lenient. But I'm so not used to being mean or being bitchy. I don't WANT to create an environment like that. This is music, it's supposed to be fun and I want kids to look forward to coming here. But I'm letting them literally walk all over me...getting up from their seats without being asked, blatantly talking or doing other work while we're in the middle of rehearsal. And I know a lot of that is probably my fault. I wasn't totally prepared to teach the 7th graders today...I hadn't staged out word for word what I was going to say...and therefore it was a bust. They didn't care, they were fooling around, and I was flustered. And it was even a shortened period.
I just feel so awful about myself right now. And if I don't do something about it soon, I'm going to lose these kids for the rest of the year. I hate you Fredonia and your lack of ability to teach me how to direct a choir. There I go blaming someone else. I hate to bitch and moan but frankly that's all I can think about. Now I get to look forward to a weekend of planning an entire week of lessons that probably won't go well anyway.
I have let people walk all over me my whole life. I know it won't change unless I do something about it, the trouble is, I don't know exactly what to do. It's not like I don't know what I'm talking about or that I'm a person who normally doesn't get along with people. I'm just too goddamn nice and tolerant. With everything. Even with asshole ex-boyfriend. I am so sick and tired of being walked on, and I've got to do something to stop it or it never will... :(
I know that I am coming in in the middle of the year to a classroom where the teacher before me was respected and liked a lot. The students are used to a routine. I know that I'm young and that this is my first week of teaching. I am too hard on myself. But I basically stink right now. I wouldn't go so far as to say I have NO control, but there's moments when it's pretty close. I cannot find the fine line between being mean and being nice, and so far I'm leaning way too close towards being too nice and too lenient. But I'm so not used to being mean or being bitchy. I don't WANT to create an environment like that. This is music, it's supposed to be fun and I want kids to look forward to coming here. But I'm letting them literally walk all over me...getting up from their seats without being asked, blatantly talking or doing other work while we're in the middle of rehearsal. And I know a lot of that is probably my fault. I wasn't totally prepared to teach the 7th graders today...I hadn't staged out word for word what I was going to say...and therefore it was a bust. They didn't care, they were fooling around, and I was flustered. And it was even a shortened period.
I just feel so awful about myself right now. And if I don't do something about it soon, I'm going to lose these kids for the rest of the year. I hate you Fredonia and your lack of ability to teach me how to direct a choir. There I go blaming someone else. I hate to bitch and moan but frankly that's all I can think about. Now I get to look forward to a weekend of planning an entire week of lessons that probably won't go well anyway.
I have let people walk all over me my whole life. I know it won't change unless I do something about it, the trouble is, I don't know exactly what to do. It's not like I don't know what I'm talking about or that I'm a person who normally doesn't get along with people. I'm just too goddamn nice and tolerant. With everything. Even with asshole ex-boyfriend. I am so sick and tired of being walked on, and I've got to do something to stop it or it never will... :(
03/26/2006 21:02 #29278
lots of picturesCategory: photos
So for the past couple weeks I've taken A LOT of pictures with the intention of putting them up here but haven't put any. I finally got around to putting them on to my computer. There are way too many to put them all in one journal entry, so I'll pick my top choices to show off from a variety of events and get-togethers. Enjoy looking at yourselves, your friends, and random people you don't know!
From our East Aurora trip...
(e:Mike) and Jen heading down towards Main Street and Vidler's.

(e:Mike) reading the description of a cinematic masterpiece

I got a tasty dinner at this restaurant (Tony Rome's) - it was chicken with pasta and red peppers. However, on top of my meal was the biggest strawberry I've ever seen, like seriously gigantic and was totally pumped with steroids.

(e:Mike), (e:Diana) and (e:Jill) lookin sexy with their candy cigs.

St. Matty's Day
The birthday boy, (e:Matthew), and someone I don't know...feel free to identify yourself!

(e:Terry) and (e:Hodown)

(e:Jill), (e:Chris) (one of them...?), (e:Mike) and (e:Libertad)

A sugarglider munching on some broccoli.

Buffalo State Bengal 5K Run...
Me and my friend Nicole before the race.

...and they're off!

Here we are at the finish line...we did it!

The race was super fun...and I reached my measly goal of less than 30 minutes. 28:11 to be exact, making me 6th out of 22 females age 20-24, a 9:05 pace, and 48th overall. Yay! Can't wait for the next one...and I'd love some more racing buddies :)
From our East Aurora trip...
(e:Mike) and Jen heading down towards Main Street and Vidler's.

(e:Mike) reading the description of a cinematic masterpiece

I got a tasty dinner at this restaurant (Tony Rome's) - it was chicken with pasta and red peppers. However, on top of my meal was the biggest strawberry I've ever seen, like seriously gigantic and was totally pumped with steroids.

(e:Mike), (e:Diana) and (e:Jill) lookin sexy with their candy cigs.

St. Matty's Day
The birthday boy, (e:Matthew), and someone I don't know...feel free to identify yourself!

(e:Terry) and (e:Hodown)

(e:Jill), (e:Chris) (one of them...?), (e:Mike) and (e:Libertad)

A sugarglider munching on some broccoli.

Buffalo State Bengal 5K Run...
Me and my friend Nicole before the race.

...and they're off!

Here we are at the finish line...we did it!

The race was super fun...and I reached my measly goal of less than 30 minutes. 28:11 to be exact, making me 6th out of 22 females age 20-24, a 9:05 pace, and 48th overall. Yay! Can't wait for the next one...and I'd love some more racing buddies :)
metalpeter - 03/27/06 16:34
Thanks for sharing the pics those sugar gliders are interesting looking creatures.
Thanks for sharing the pics those sugar gliders are interesting looking creatures.
03/23/2006 12:12 #29275
chorus at KWHSi am sitting in the string room at kenmore west listening to the boy's chorus rehearsal and it makes me want to cry. i'm not even in the same room and i can just hear their voices being slaughtered by bad technique and bad repertoire. how does this man STILL teach chorus here? do administrators actually go to any concerts? how did i possibly make it out of this high school ACTUALLY still wanting to teach music? i don't have a strong desire to work in this district but if they offered me the ken west job i would take it in two seconds just so i could make up for the terrible choral and vocal tradition that has been established here. : (
03/24/2006 15:18 #29276
my first time...i'm running in my first race tomorrow. how freakin ridiculous. i'm sort of nervous and not excited because i had a terrible run yesterday. but today i've been drinking a giant bottle of gatorade (i hate gatorade) and eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates (mmmm...i don't mind that at all...i'm probably eating as much as most marathon runners though, and a 5k doesn't quite match up to that level...). i'll go for a quickie run today. the thing is my calves, or rather the sides of my calves feel tight but i don't know a good stretch for them. hopefully i won't injure myself. i guess i don't really care what my time is for the race, but i'm running it with a good friend and i think she is probably faster than me so i will either slow her down or run faster and kill myself and/or get a better workout. i guess that wouldn't be so much of a bad thing. well anyway i'm sure i will be excited once i actually get to the race and see all the other runners and i'm wearing a number. then i will feel cool.
all finished in the ken-ton school district. today was a half day at KMS. SWEET! i wonder if i will get paid for the whole day. i doubt it but that would be nice.
omg i have my first official voice student. she's this like 50 year old lady from the office who used to be in the army and is super loud and in your face. she calls me homie girl and chickie. so today she basically yanked me in her office and was like "ok i need a lesson girlie, what time, where, how much." hahahaha i can't wait for this one! i am like intimidated by her so it will be weird to teach her. but i do love teaching lessons so hopefully it will go all right, and the first lesson is an easy one anyway.
wow it is certainly the time for "firsts"...my first race, first voice student, first real job, first giant bottle of gatorade...
p.s. i love putting risque subject lines so everyone will be enticed to read my journal ;)
all finished in the ken-ton school district. today was a half day at KMS. SWEET! i wonder if i will get paid for the whole day. i doubt it but that would be nice.
omg i have my first official voice student. she's this like 50 year old lady from the office who used to be in the army and is super loud and in your face. she calls me homie girl and chickie. so today she basically yanked me in her office and was like "ok i need a lesson girlie, what time, where, how much." hahahaha i can't wait for this one! i am like intimidated by her so it will be weird to teach her. but i do love teaching lessons so hopefully it will go all right, and the first lesson is an easy one anyway.
wow it is certainly the time for "firsts"...my first race, first voice student, first real job, first giant bottle of gatorade...
p.s. i love putting risque subject lines so everyone will be enticed to read my journal ;)
ladycroft - 03/24/06 19:03
stand on your toes on a curb and let your heels hang down, this will stretch the calves. or you can lean into a wall and do a lunge. no worries, 5k's are easy squeezy! you'll do great :)
stand on your toes on a curb and let your heels hang down, this will stretch the calves. or you can lean into a wall and do a lunge. no worries, 5k's are easy squeezy! you'll do great :)
jason - 03/24/06 17:39
Sounds like fun! Good luck on your race. Do your best!
Sounds like fun! Good luck on your race. Do your best!
codypomeray - 03/24/06 15:49
i didnt even think of it like that, your title that is...but now that you mention it. haha...good luck with the race. hope you do well and your calfs do not cramp. also congrats on the voice lesson.
i didnt even think of it like that, your title that is...but now that you mention it. haha...good luck with the race. hope you do well and your calfs do not cramp. also congrats on the voice lesson.
I don't know what else to say but have faith in yourself. I beleive things will work out just fine for you... ((( MK )))
it takes a while for some people to find their own teaching style. in the meantime find ways to connect with these kids on their level. for inspiration go out and watch some movies about great teachers such as "Stand & Deliver." Through trial, erroe and hard work you'll get better.