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09/02/2005 21:58 #28877

Haven't Updated In A Few Days
First and foremost, thanks to everyone who showed up for my birthday celebrations. SOrry that I prolly passed out a little early on. It is my birthday special to do that. I can't control it, too many captain and cokes lined up in a row on the bar equals one drunken (e:mike) throwing up on Franklin. We got pulled over by the po po on the way home hin Kenmore, lukcily (e:maureen) had like no drinks so she was fine. I guess they were looking for some hoodlums going through people's backyards by Jill's house which was where we had just left!

Can't wait to watch my Laguna Beach DVD from (e:maureen) which is also supposed to get hme into the VIP club on MTV yet it will not work! I WANT LAGUNA BEACH RING TONES! WHY WON"T THEY LET ME IN THE CLUB!!!! I HAVE THE CODE! LET ME IN! ALso can't wait to dirnk out of the fancy glasses , chalises even i would say, from (e:paulmattterry) and (e:jill). Though the paint and glue on Jill's might kill me, but that is the price you pay for fancy drinkware fashion!

(e:amanda) , sorry i feel like i barely saw you at my bday. But thatnks for coming and i need to meet Nick again when i ma more with it. I feel like i left a bad impression. We need to do super veggies at the Juicery soon! I miss them oh so much!

Sidenote, has anyone seen crazy gas prices? I paid 3.59 a gallon today and had to wait in line for like 25 minutes at Noco by my house. My normal gas station had closed because they ran out of gas. Insanity! Time for more walking. Healthy me at least that will make!!!

Ok that's al for now -chadi
amanda - 09/03/05 02:44
haha its ok. someone has to be completely drunk right? its just the way it goes. haha. but we do need those super veggies reeeeeally soon!!!

08/31/2005 20:08 #28876

Gracias todos los personas

La Luna (on chippewa) at 11ish

Be there or be square!

08/30/2005 00:38 #28875

Birthday Celebrations in 2 Days
Today was my family bday party which really is my parents, brother, terry, matt, jill and maureen. But it was nice and tasty dinner cookout. It was the first cookout my family had all year and it was very tasty. It was weird not getting any gifts though except one because i want all my gifts on my real birhtday, but after the cake it just seemed anti-climactic wiht no gifts. BUT

THIS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2005 - PARTY FOR MY 22nd BIRTHDAY AT LA LUNA. I figure we will head over to La Luna around 11ish, maybe some pregaming at the PMT's. Everyone should come!!! It will be joyous fun!!! (e:paul), (e:terry), (e:matt), (e:jill), (e:amanda), (e:maureen), (e:lilho), (e:tina), (e:flacindess) and many others will be there. Stop by and have a few drinks to celebrate my entry into real adulthood (that's waht begins at 22 right?) Hope to see you there.!

P.S. to (e:lilho), (e:maureen), and (e:jill) , you know what I want for my bday mostest of all and i hope i see theem walk throu8gh the door of La Luna on Wednesday! Somoene please make it happen!
theecarey - 08/30/05 21:36
22.. thats where it begins and if you are a lucky, fun, crazy and adventurous person.. it never ends...
Happy Birthday!
maybe see ya at La Luna
ladycroft - 08/30/05 16:22
Yes, finally something I can attend! I'm still in the midst of training my RA's, but I think I'm done at 9pm tomorrow. Woohoo! Please post if there are any changes to the venue! Happy Birthday!

08/28/2005 20:44 #28874

Happy Bday TERRY
Almost too late but I just made it, though i was one of the first to wish it at midnight.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (e:TERRY)!!! HOPE IT IS A GREAT ONE YOU OLDIE!!!

08/26/2005 17:53 #28873

Artvoice Awards
Did everyone see that in the current issue of Artvoice, Estrip has made it in the top three nominees for best online blog! Congrats Estrip! I am not sure if they pick a top one from that or what the next step is? Does anyone know?