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07/22/2004 19:22 #28719

It feels like I've been gone from here for so long. I will post pictures and stories from my trip soon but let me just give you the highlights, it rained all the time except the one day we were on a bus for four hours, and at night I drank myself til I passed out on the bathroom floor. More details later but it's good to be back.

If you happen to be an Eckerd employee you've already seen my best sexy drunken hungover picture in the frame in the embarassing.

Estrip gathering at the Pink tonight...right? It is Thursday after all.

07/15/2004 00:33 #28718

She only lays on top of me.....
So we went to see Napolean Dynamite today and it was hilarious. I seriously laughed for the entirety of the movie. I think just about anyone could appreciate the greatness of the movie and especially the casting.

Even more entertaining was the preshow (since we were there an hour early, and thank god for that cuz there was already a line). The like man in his 50's behind us went on for about 40 minutes about his cats and their personalities. At one point saying "the only time she lays on top of me is when she's hungry". I think this may have gave Jill a scary glimpse into her future. This was the same quite large man that said "oh i could get a baby popcorn because I like popcorn but who could eat more than that". I'm not sure if that was a personal attack on our huge bucket of popcorn but I took it as that.

So I'm all packed for Florida, and I probably packed too much for a five day trip (like 20 shirts, 3 pairs of sunglasses, an entire medicine cabinet, etc.) but it all fit in a suitcase and a back pack so I'm ready to go. I also listened to all my favorite songs on my computer that I won't have with me for the next five days. That will be tough but I can't burn them on cd becuase I do not have a cd burner, well one that works at least. So tata all, and I can't wait to catch up with you on Tuesday.

Oh one more thing, me and Jill were like wow we are going on separate trips and will both be away for like five days and won't see each other as she is going to NYC the same time I am in florida. First this may be good to create our we are not a couple image although neither of us will be in the b-lo so that won't really help. But secondly we were like what if we forget we are friends. What if our friendship is completley contingent on being around each other all the time and over the next five days we change so drastically that we forget who each other are. And then like a year down the line we happen to see each other somewhere, probably a coffee shop and are like "wait do I know you from somewhere?" anmd exchange awkward glances as if we had never been 24 hour a day hang out partners. That is until we hear Comb-Over strumming his guitar and singing his songs and then we unite in blissful coffee greatness. SOrry I'm missing his concert tomorrow Jill, I know he is our hero, but I hope you see him at least, and enjoy him for the both of us.......

07/14/2004 13:07 #28717

Spending the Day Getting Ready for Flori
So much to do, so little timke. Need to buy magazines and stuff to protect me from the sun. Need to pack. I think I pack much like a fifty year old lady as I have ever healthcare need you could possibly think of ever needing packed for my five day trip. Thank you Wegmans for having cheap fun saver cameras....woohoo Florida...I can't wait for fun in the sun, especially on this particularly dreary buffalo day.

07/13/2004 13:20 #28716

In response to Jesse
I don't think that aides necessarily need to be held publicly accountable for who they work for and outed. I think it is just one issue of many and they could support the person they work for on other what they consider more important issues. I think it would be hard to find someone who completely agress on every issue with the congressman/woman they work for and this issue should be no different. But at the same time I wonder if something that affects them so personally such as this issue, like how could they support someone who is trying to keep something from them and take away their rights.

I know many people say it is not really a big issue, and I agree that it is used to take away attention from other issues. But lets face it, our society is completely run by the idea of marriage. Like ever since you are little in everything you see and hear the message is you will find that perfect prince/princess and live happily ever after. The ultimate goal for every parent often seems to be for their kids to get married and their willing to put up thousands of dollars for the celebration. Every movie and television series ends with the wedding. To say one group of people can not have this thing that is so ubiquitous (mrs. christie vocab. word probably used incorrectly) just seems like that is a major issue. I don't know.

07/13/2004 13:08 #28715

Movie Mania
MK your movie totally caught like slap bracelets in the early nineties. I was Grease but I couldn't post the picture here. So far is everyone a different movie? How many movies can there be? That is crazy, maybe that is what makes this site so intersting, so many different people, so many different movies.