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07/27/2004 01:55 #28723

Reading about Atkins in the Artvoice at Spot tonight made me nervous that there were all these carbs out in the world that need to be eaten. So I did my part by coming right home and eating a bowl of pasta and then a stack of crackers (if they're wrapped together, they're a single serving, right?). I may be losing some things lately but my fat belly will not be one of them.

On an even better note I am getting a new car. My uncle got a new car and so he is getting rid of his and said I could have it for like 1200 even though he was gonna sell it for 2500. I am so excited. I am not exatly sure what it looks like/is called/features but anything is better than Sades. Although Sades has I suppose served me well for the last few years. The only thing I need is a beepingi sound when the lights are still on. Although then I'll see a lot less of JIll if I don't have to call her everyday to come jump my car. I'm gonna go try it out tomorow prolly and decide for sure.

07/25/2004 12:57 #28722

Rock Steady
Today I am going to Maureen's mom's friend's sister's 50th birthday party. It is quite a loose connection but Maureen didn't want to go alone. I'm sure it will be fun and at the very least there will be really good food because whenever Mary is involved so is good tasty food. I told my parents how I might move after this year to wherever Maureen goes to graduate school since I have no other plans and could work anywhere and they were totally not for it. They seriously seemed distraught by the idea that I would move away and said they do't want me to move away. It wouldn't be far though but now I feel kinda bad doing it but I will be old and I think it would be fun so I will probably do it if nothing else comes up as me and Maureen both realize a million things could come up to change that plan. I think my parents are sad b/c Paul plans on moving away then too. We'll see, most likely Maureen will meet someone and they will move together. Luckily most people can't just move anywhere and have plans for their life, I have an advantage in that I don't and so I could go anywhere. THis is quite a change from the me who never would leave Buffalo before. But I just think like everyone will be gone, PMT are moving, Jill and Teres are going to Europe after this year, Jen is going to grad school in the south somewhere, Di will still be in Boston and the list of people leaving goes on and on so maybe I should leave too.

On another not I don't like the person I am becoming in some ways (not the person who wants to move, this is unrelated to the first paragraph sort of). I feel in some ways I am becoming small parts of what I hate about other people. Like the things that annoy me most about people I am becoming. Stop me please!

07/24/2004 02:30 #28721

Weekend Home and ND
Saw Napolean Dynamite for the second time. It was still hilarious although the scene they added at the end since the last time I saw it was not as good as was hoped for. Still worth the money though. Everyone should see it.

Staying at the apartment again for the weekend while the boys are camping. Feel free to stop on by. I like visitors.

07/23/2004 12:48 #28720

Last night we went out to the Pink and then Marcella's where I saw my first drag king ever. I don't know but they don't really look like men to me as much as drag queens look like women. What do you all think? There was hardly anyone there so it was like our own personal dance party with Chamille on the pole. Then when I was about to leave I realize my keys were in Teres's purse and she had left already. Now if I had my own apartment that would have been fine but no I live at home still and figured my parents would freak out if I didn't come home and would freak more if I called at 230 am so I naturally freaked out myself. So I called Teres at 230 am and woke up her parents only to find out that she was not home yet. So I thought about walking to her house and waiting for her but instead Paul convinced me it was a better idea to just stay at my brothers. So I was gonna do that and then Teres called about 30 seconds after Chris dropped me off and said that she left the keys in my mailbox. So then I had to call Chris to see if he would come back and pick me up. Thanks Chris for coming back and getting me! Needless to say this all makes me realize all the more that I need to get an apartment. But a fun night except for the huge bug in the bathroom sink. I don't like public bathrooms to begin with and then there was this huge old bug in the sink. EWWWW

07/22/2004 19:22 #28719

It feels like I've been gone from here for so long. I will post pictures and stories from my trip soon but let me just give you the highlights, it rained all the time except the one day we were on a bus for four hours, and at night I drank myself til I passed out on the bathroom floor. More details later but it's good to be back.

If you happen to be an Eckerd employee you've already seen my best sexy drunken hungover picture in the frame in the embarassing.

Estrip gathering at the Pink tonight...right? It is Thursday after all.