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07/13/2004 13:20 #28716

In response to Jesse
I don't think that aides necessarily need to be held publicly accountable for who they work for and outed. I think it is just one issue of many and they could support the person they work for on other what they consider more important issues. I think it would be hard to find someone who completely agress on every issue with the congressman/woman they work for and this issue should be no different. But at the same time I wonder if something that affects them so personally such as this issue, like how could they support someone who is trying to keep something from them and take away their rights.

I know many people say it is not really a big issue, and I agree that it is used to take away attention from other issues. But lets face it, our society is completely run by the idea of marriage. Like ever since you are little in everything you see and hear the message is you will find that perfect prince/princess and live happily ever after. The ultimate goal for every parent often seems to be for their kids to get married and their willing to put up thousands of dollars for the celebration. Every movie and television series ends with the wedding. To say one group of people can not have this thing that is so ubiquitous (mrs. christie vocab. word probably used incorrectly) just seems like that is a major issue. I don't know.

07/13/2004 13:08 #28715

Movie Mania
MK your movie totally caught like slap bracelets in the early nineties. I was Grease but I couldn't post the picture here. So far is everyone a different movie? How many movies can there be? That is crazy, maybe that is what makes this site so intersting, so many different people, so many different movies.

07/13/2004 02:03 #28714

Taste of Buffalo
Yummy Yummy in my Tummy. So i basically went to the Taste of Buffalo twice in like 3 hours but the second time I didn't eat nearly as much, so that's ok, right? Hmm some of my favorites were fried tortellini and a portobello mushroom salad. How many of you have ever just eaten salsa with a spoon? Cuz according to the Tops booth that was a good idea, but I think the lack of a nacho made it very unappetizing. I spilled a tuna kabob on my shirt in a cool m-like zorro-like zigzag. And Chamille told me I should name my soap opera M and have that squiggle be the symbol and then can have this cool opening. Or make it my signature. Both great ideas!

This biggest dissappointment ever though was the lack of bacon wrapped shrimp which really make the entire event for me. Actually there was an overall shortage of bacon products but I htink I hit them all (which was only 2). A wine slushy party ensued at PMTs afterwards and I think I had a few too many for my own good or sanity. Silly drinks make me say silly things.

The Taste of Buffalo also gave me a nice farmers tan just in time for Florida. Me and Teres leave for Florida in two days and it is weird because I don't feel like I'm leaving and it is so soon. I hope it will be fun but the weather predicts rain for most of the trip, but the weatherpeople are wrong a lot right?

07/11/2004 13:52 #28713

So Little Time
Ok, PMT came home a day early and so I am back living at home. I definetely need to get an apartment....soon. It is just so pleasant and nice to not hear screaming and arguing all day long and be forced to do things whenever it is convenient for others all day long. I don't know, I probably won't knowing my lack of motivation but I really want one.

Lately I have been getting crushes like they are going out of style. It is in a very fifth grade kind of why, like I jsut found out cooties aren't real or something. I don't know it is odd but fun...add another one to the list.

07/10/2004 02:02 #28712

Dance Party
First off the fireworks were not in Kenmore tonight, I believe they are tomorrow now instead.

Secondly, I know that last night I threatened everyone that if they didn't go to the dance party at the Mohawk I would kick them off the site, but low and behold I did not end up going. I don't know I was just in a bad mood today kinda and you know how sometimes when you are not happy you just need to be more unhappy before it can better. I was not in the mood to see everyone having fun and hooking up and being hit on. I think the extreme pleasure of others would have just made me angrier. Which was today the official "walk with your b/f/g/f and kiss as soon as Mike walks by you day"? Cuz it felt like it. I think the idea that one of my friends is getting married in like two months and I haven't had a serious date in almost forever is part of what is bothering me lately. I don't want to end up being 80 and alone. Before for years none of my friends really dated that much or that seriously, but now its all changing fast and I am falling fast behind the learning curve and will soon be left behind in their fast paced coupled off world. Like seriuosly everyone just began to pair off with everyone they meet and I am silly old Mike who doesn't. I know it is partially my own fault as I don't try very hard but it doesn't make it feel any better.

I also need to learn when to take a hint I think. I don't know why I keep trying and trying. (e:Maureen) was talking about it the other day how she doesn't understand why some people keep trying and trying to contact her when she obviously puts in no effort. And I think some people enjoy the challenge of getting through to those people. Or some people just have that kind of personality that you just want to be around even if it involves being rejected many a times. Not like in a stalkerish way but in a ok I have to realize they don't want to talk to me/be better friends kinda way and stop bugging them. But sometimes it ends up being worth it. I don't know I am babbling, maybe more on this later.