Heading over to Jill's parents house to watch the fireworks for Kenmore Days from their roof. I hope they can live up to last years where the coverband played songs such as It's Raining Men, She Bangs, and Man I feel Like A Woman including people in the audience along with them. I believe It's Raining Men was the big finale to the show with fourteen year old boys singing. Interesting it was. I hope they keep the same performers this year, for much more entertainment.
I hope they don't try to make it all classy just because the Vietnam Wall Memorial is in Kenmore coinciding with the carnival. Cuz that is the classy kind of place we are. They thought "oh what does our carnival featuring greasy foods and kiddie rides need?" and someone probably jokingly said "we need a traveling war veterans memorial to put in next to the game where you have to pop the balloons for posters, we have some free space there anyway" and crazily enough someone picked up on it and now the memorial is part of the carnival although tastefully separated by about 30 feet.
Mike's Journal
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07/09/2004 21:33 #28711
Fireworks in Kenmore07/08/2004 23:28 #28710
One last UpdateRaspbery vodka and winde blenders tonight at the apartment (567) stop by!!! OK I have officially updated about 7 billion times today. So some peeps are heading over to the apartment, namely (e:jill) and (e:teres) (beast) and possbily some diana, matt, maureen, and andrew, and some others, anyone who wants to but we'll see. Maybe we'll head down to the Pink since it appears that is the official Thursday night estrip hangout lately. We'll see what happens... a lot of pressure. Fun things happen at this house but can they happen without the PMT?
07/08/2004 19:20 #28709
Vodka and Ice TeaSo I returned the beer bottles that were left here and got about 12 dollars for it (that's a lot of bottles) so with that money I decided to treat myself to a bottle of raspberry vodka. So very tasty Now I'm sitting here drinking it mixed with iced tea wishing it was sunny out and I could lay out on the porch and read. I should probably share as I shouldn't drink the whole 1.75 L myself right? I think me, (E:jill), (e:teres) are going out tonight, maybe the pink?
07/08/2004 15:56 #28708
To FloppyDonkeyDid you try Call4Action at Channel 4? They deal with liek business disputes and stuff and I think like landlord issues too. My mom has volunteered there for years, maybe they can help you.
07/08/2004 13:39 #28707
Cute Cute TortoiseSo I took the tortoise outside in the backyard for a little while today but it might be a little cold cuz it is shady so we didn't stay out too long. But he did the cutest thing ever, there was this like dead flower/plant on the ground and he kept trying to eat but would hate it and like spit it out, but then the next time he walked by it he would try and eat it again, like over and over. Ok, that didn't sound so cute but it was, and entertaining.