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07/08/2004 01:47 #28706

The Bugs Are Winning
Well the bugs are definetely winning the battle for this apartment. A few flies were trapped by the fly paper but not many and there are just lots of bugs or just more than I am used to. And the freshwater fish tank is starting to look a little not so good.

I went for a walk tonight with Jill, MK and Chamille tonight and it was fun and refreshing. We walked some streets off of Allen that I had never been to before and there were some really neat houses around there.

Welcome Chriddy, I'm glad you finally started a journal and Anne if you read this just try and see if you can sign in and post even though you did not get a confirmation email.

Me and Teres need to find a place to stay in Tampa considering we are leaving in one week from tomorrow. I am starting to get a little nervous but we most likely will make our plans tomorrow. Speaking of which tomorrow and Friday I have off so I hope to see some people and have some fun. Is it wrong to start drinking alone at like 11 AM when i wake up? We'll see what happens but I'm ready for the two days off.

07/06/2004 11:40 #28705

Sometimes the simplest things are best
Last night after work (which was surprisingly enjoyable) I stopped by my parents to help them with something on their computer and then came back here to the apartment. It is so nice being able to leave there, like not that I hate it there, I enjoy it but it is nice to be there and then be able to leave. I think this little one week of having an apartment is going to make me get one for good, I'm not sure.

Chris stopped by last night for a little while which was nice. I like having people just be able to stop by. Unexpected visitors can be good but they can also be bad I suppose. After he left I ran to Wegmans with Teres and JIll to pick up some grocery essentials like bagels, goldfish, pretzels, strawberries and a few other things. Then when I got home I crashed and fell asleep immideiately. I was going to read a little bit but instead fell asleep within about two minutes and woke up this morning around 830 or 9 but stayed in an awake/not awake existince and didn't actually get up and out of bed til 10. It was nice, I needed it due to the lack of sleep lately.

All in all I had a good day. Work, Chris, Wegmans all were part of the relaxing day I needed. Sometimes the simplest things with the right people can be the best.

07/06/2004 11:26 #28704

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!! (well belated birthday since it was yesterday. I'm pretty sure you read this. I hope you had an amazing birthday yesterday.

07/05/2004 02:00 #28703

Fourth Of July
So we missed the fireworks or maybe they were canceled, I'm not sure but we did play a hot game of DanceDance Revolution in which we all were pretty sucky except Matt was kinda good, for his first time especially. Then me, Di and Jill played Mario Kart although we didn't actually know how to use the controller and for most of the time did not know which character was ours or which direction we should have been heading.

I felt like such a senior citizen kicking my friends out now at 1am cuz I have to go to sleep cuz I am tired and am working in the morning, but after tomorrow a sweet sweet day off on Tuesday. Can't Wait. Can't Hardly Wait is totally my favorite movie.

I kinda miss not having seen fireworks for possibly the first fourth of July in my life...but there's always next year.

07/04/2004 20:31 #28702

Happy Fourth!
Wellit is raining outside but Jill and possibly Di and Matt and maybe others are coming over to the apartment and then we are going to decide about the firework situation. We might just hang out here and try to watch them from the roof...if they aren't canceled that is. We'll see... anyone feel free to stop by if you want to join us. Happy Fourth of July!