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07/03/2004 00:08 #28700

Movin on Up
So I just officially moved into Paul/Terry/Matt's apartment and will be here until July 11 when they return from vaca. I have very many reptilian and fish animals to take care of and hope I do a good job. I loved coming in with all the notes plastered everywhere on what I need to do. Hopefully nothing dies.

Last night was fun, I ended up seeing Teres/Jill/Christy/Polish boys at Frizzy's and then they came back to Pink with us. On the walk I tried to get my brother to give me a piggy back ride and he did but he said I was the fattest person ever that he tried to give one to. Thanks Paul....

Not sure what's going on tonight, everyone's out of town/on dates. I have to work 9-4 tomorrow and it is going to be sucky. I'm sure I"ll be late since I have to go from out here instead of like a block away like my real house is. We'll see. . . alright I think I am going to go take a walk now in my new temporary neighborhood (not that I don't do that everyday)

07/02/2004 00:50 #28699

Left All Alone
All my friends have left me for boys...Teres/Jill/Christy are out meeting some polish boys at Goodbar (I didn't want to intrude on their triple date) Jen is preparing for leaving early in the morning for her boyfriend's place in New Jersey and MK is doing the same and leaving in the AM for her boyfriend in Albany. Di is with Matt I'm sure and Yosepha well well she is visiting her sister and her sister is married so that is a boy. I hope this isn't the beginning of the end. Well I'm off to the Pink with my brother and other epeeps. Maybe I'll see some of you out tonight. I am slightly nervous because I am wearing a possibly too small pastellyish neonish orange tshirt that can easily be ridiculed. We'll see.

Props to Paul for the calendar feature. I think it is a really good addition.

06/30/2004 01:46 #28698

Dance With Me Michael
I vowed the other day to have more realistic crushes, not that you can really control something like that. But like focus more on people I have a chance with or something although my friends think (and I agree) that I automatically think I don't have a chance with anyone once I have a crush on them so it is more my mind that needs to be realistic, not the people I crush on. Hmm that sorta makes sense I think. I don't know I just assume generally if I like someone they could not possibly like me back cuz they are too good. I also have a thing for wanting people that are not single, maybe it is like a safety net for myself because then it's really like not anything I could do anything about. I don't know. Haha the word crush is so sixth grade.

On another note,wow MK that was a whopper of an old journal entry of mine you linked to. Did anyone read them when they were that long? I love that the side note was like 5,000 words by itself. Today was my Nonna's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY NONNA (not that she reads this).

I went out to lunch with MK downtown today and let me tell you do not get the smashed potato with chicken and cheese at the Hoagie Brothers in the Main Place Mall food court. It is disgusting!!! With a capital D. I guess I could have just capitalized the D. whatev. I was gonna have a turkey club but they were out of bacon. Maybe that was god's way of telling me I need to cut back on my fried pork fat intake. Who knows?

06/28/2004 01:06 #28697

Jill and Teres enjoying their drinks at Coffee &. They finally have mocha jet cafes again. Woohoo

06/27/2004 16:01 #28696

Last NIght's Fun
Tried to go and see Fahrenheit 9/11 last night but the 7pm was sold out and there was already a huge line for the 9:30. Insanity. So we went to Pizza Hut instead and I took my first pictures using the borrowed sidekick. Then we went to Spot.

Thanks Chris for showing me how to use all the fun features of the sidekick. He joined us at Spot and then I could fully enjoy the sidekick and emailing in journals with pictures. After that we went home but I stopped here at the estrip headquarters first cuz I wasn't really feeling like going home and I to mine and her surprise Emily was here still. So we chatted a little and then I went home and played hours of video poker. I am offically a non-owning but addicted sidekick user.