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06/27/2004 03:39 #28695
Fun at SpotHerels Di and Matt enjoying people magazine after a heated debate over the olsen twins versus trista from the bachelor
06/27/2004 03:39 #28694
Yosepha is Michael MooreHave you ever seen them in the same room at the same time?
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06/29/2004 02:23 #28693
Goo Goo Dolls HaircutSo walking down Elmwood tongiht, what do me, yosepha, and jill see but Robbie from the Goo Goo Dolls in the hair salon next to Merlins getting his hair dyed. There were seriously like 7 people in there working on it. Jill took some pictures so they better be posted in her jouranl soon...or else.
Teres, Tao of Steve is also a band that plays one of my favorite songs which is the theme from Scrubs...random.
Saw Farhenheit 9/11 tonight. It was good, maybe it will make people hate Bush but I think only people that already do will go see it. I just have some problem with Michael Moore. I liked him more (hahah more and Moore) in his Roger and Me days about Flint, Michigan. He seems too big now. LIke how can be complain about large companies while he is making millions for sure off of this. I don't see him donating the money or giving it back to his hometown to help people. Well we'll see maybe he will. Who knows!
Teres, Tao of Steve is also a band that plays one of my favorite songs which is the theme from Scrubs...random.
Saw Farhenheit 9/11 tonight. It was good, maybe it will make people hate Bush but I think only people that already do will go see it. I just have some problem with Michael Moore. I liked him more (hahah more and Moore) in his Roger and Me days about Flint, Michigan. He seems too big now. LIke how can be complain about large companies while he is making millions for sure off of this. I don't see him donating the money or giving it back to his hometown to help people. Well we'll see maybe he will. Who knows!
06/26/2004 13:28 #28692
Prom at the Co-op and book tidingsWent to the prom at the coop house last night and let me just say that house is amazing, from the grand staircase to the bowling alley countertops it is just so totally amazing. The prom was lots of fun even if I did leave early around 230(my silly stomach never wants me to leave my house and does everything in its power to prevent me from staying out). All in all a good night.
I was reading a book called the Informers by the guy who wrote American Psycho and like the first few chapters were pretty normal about crazy drugged up entertainment people in Los Angeles sort of thing and then all of a sudden a chapter was about vampires who eat people they pick up at bars, the next chapter was about these 20-somethings that tie a boy up in their tub, I believe rape him and then kill him with a switchblade and then the last chapter was about two poeople in a zoo and he admits he is an alien whose people are going to destroy earth in the 24th century. Very odd indeed. It was like um "whoa where did this come from". But considering he wrote American Psycho, I guess you got to expect some of that craziness.
I was reading a book called the Informers by the guy who wrote American Psycho and like the first few chapters were pretty normal about crazy drugged up entertainment people in Los Angeles sort of thing and then all of a sudden a chapter was about vampires who eat people they pick up at bars, the next chapter was about these 20-somethings that tie a boy up in their tub, I believe rape him and then kill him with a switchblade and then the last chapter was about two poeople in a zoo and he admits he is an alien whose people are going to destroy earth in the 24th century. Very odd indeed. It was like um "whoa where did this come from". But considering he wrote American Psycho, I guess you got to expect some of that craziness.
06/25/2004 17:16 #28691
Seeing me at SpotHey (e:boxerboi), craziness that I am at Spot so much that it is noticeable. I heard that you hated me though for stealing your seat...hope I can make amends.
I heard about the crazy estrippers naked party night from Beast and Paul. Sorry and not so sorry I missed it as I'm not sure you can go for blood tests in the morning after a night of drinking (does fasting include alcohoo? who knows!)Which by the way I went to a new blood test place on Hertel and they treat people way different I think then the one on Maple in Amherst, totally cuz I think they expect you to be poor at the Hertel and not to be at the Maple one. More on this later..
I heard about the crazy estrippers naked party night from Beast and Paul. Sorry and not so sorry I missed it as I'm not sure you can go for blood tests in the morning after a night of drinking (does fasting include alcohoo? who knows!)Which by the way I went to a new blood test place on Hertel and they treat people way different I think then the one on Maple in Amherst, totally cuz I think they expect you to be poor at the Hertel and not to be at the Maple one. More on this later..