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06/28/2004 01:06 #28697

Jill and Teres enjoying their drinks at Coffee &. They finally have mocha jet cafes again. Woohoo

06/27/2004 16:01 #28696

Last NIght's Fun
Tried to go and see Fahrenheit 9/11 last night but the 7pm was sold out and there was already a huge line for the 9:30. Insanity. So we went to Pizza Hut instead and I took my first pictures using the borrowed sidekick. Then we went to Spot.

Thanks Chris for showing me how to use all the fun features of the sidekick. He joined us at Spot and then I could fully enjoy the sidekick and emailing in journals with pictures. After that we went home but I stopped here at the estrip headquarters first cuz I wasn't really feeling like going home and I to mine and her surprise Emily was here still. So we chatted a little and then I went home and played hours of video poker. I am offically a non-owning but addicted sidekick user.

06/27/2004 03:39 #28695

Fun at Spot
Herels Di and Matt enjoying people magazine after a heated debate over the olsen twins versus trista from the bachelor

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06/27/2004 03:39 #28694

Yosepha is Michael Moore
Have you ever seen them in the same room at the same time?

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06/29/2004 02:23 #28693

Goo Goo Dolls Haircut
So walking down Elmwood tongiht, what do me, yosepha, and jill see but Robbie from the Goo Goo Dolls in the hair salon next to Merlins getting his hair dyed. There were seriously like 7 people in there working on it. Jill took some pictures so they better be posted in her jouranl soon...or else.

Teres, Tao of Steve is also a band that plays one of my favorite songs which is the theme from Scrubs...random.

Saw Farhenheit 9/11 tonight. It was good, maybe it will make people hate Bush but I think only people that already do will go see it. I just have some problem with Michael Moore. I liked him more (hahah more and Moore) in his Roger and Me days about Flint, Michigan. He seems too big now. LIke how can be complain about large companies while he is making millions for sure off of this. I don't see him donating the money or giving it back to his hometown to help people. Well we'll see maybe he will. Who knows!