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05/18/2004 14:54 #28653

School Board Election
Hey everyone, I think everyone needs to go out and vote on the school budgets in their district, unless you live in the city, wh ich has a different schedule and system. AND IF YOU LIVE IN KENTON, PLEASE DO NO NOT VOTE FOR MILLER!!! The man is a complete loser who makes stuff up. In the newspaper he said like "i've heard teachers make $80,000 and noone in the newspaper is a kenton student winning a scholarship." How ridiculous and unbased in fact is that. In truth I forget the actaul numbers but either 2/3 or 3/4 of kenmore west students won scholarships. Just from people I know I could name mnumerous people with full scholarships to colleges all over the country. So don't vote for him! PLEASE

05/17/2004 14:06 #28652

Clean, Clean, Clean
Excited about cleaning and reorganizing/designing my room. Ok seriously it is only about 2 ft. by 3 ft large, so there isn't much rearranging that can be done, but we'll see.

05/16/2004 03:17 #28651

Uh oh, can't sleep...
So it's only 2am on my first night home alone in my life except one other night once, and my friends have left due to working in the morning and other stuff and frankly I am pretty sure there is at least 1 if not more murderers in my house right at this moment. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to sleep. I guess this means I probably couldn't handle an apartment on my own, although that's different cuz it would be small and I could see everything. In a big house, there could be murderers hiding everywhere. I guess I will just keep my cell phone iwth me at all times, cancerous cell phone waves or be murdered? Hmm I don't know what's better

05/14/2004 14:09 #28650

Done, Finito, Finished
Just handed in my last paper of the semester!! WOOHOO! Now its time to go to work, but then summer sweet summer!! This week should be fun considering my parents are on vacation and I asked to have off of work most of the week!!! WOOHOO!!

05/13/2004 01:11 #28649

RIT Riots and Exams
So crazy Jen at RIT sent me video of the police in riot gear shooting rubber bullets or whatever at a group of students at a party. Kinda crazy but would have been better with sound or musical accompaniement. Check it out here Done with exams , just have two more papers to write and then my junior year is finito! WOOHOO!!